Cannot empty my Trash...!


Hi all,
I have a MAC Pro where I have installed Windows XP also in a second partition.
I also have an internal HDD which is formated in NTFS system.
In order to have proper use of this disk under OSX I installed Paragon NTFS for MAC.
Now the problem, I deleted 2 folders from the NTFS formated disk and they wend to the trash. EVERY TIME I try to empty the trash those folders does not go away. I also try to restore them and then re-delete them and again they do not leave the Trash.

Got any ideas on how to empty the trash???

Boot to XP, and empty the recycle bin?

That may not help, if you have moved files to the trash in OS X, but you may be able to browse through your hard drive from Windows Explorer, and locate the folder named Trash, or Trashes.
Satcomer I did that but no result.
What needs to be done is what DeltaMac says.
So I tried it but when I locate the hidden folder Trashes in windows explorer and try to delete the containing folders it pops an error and says that cannot delete.
Is there any way to force delete of those files???
Boot to Windows.
Browse to that Trashes folder, and rename the folder, so there's no dot, and the word trash is not the name.

Then, reboot to OS X.
Browse to your NTFS hard drive. Open the terminal, and type rm -rf (add a space after the -rf), then drag the newly named folder to your terminal window. That will provide the full path to that folder. Press enter.
If that doesn't work the first time, retype the same command, starting with sudo, so
sudo rm -rf (pathtofolderwithtrash)
It will ask for your admin password, but will not show that password as you type. That's normal, so just type your password, and press enter again.
And, that should do it.
If that still doesn't help, boot to Windows, and repair the drive with your system tools in XP.
Download and install the " onyx" app. It will empty the trash can even when force empty won't .
Delta, that worked great! Thanks a lot!!!

Dickster thanks for your answer too, I will download and have onyx for future use!

Thank you all guys!!!