cannot see my firewire drive



i have 40gb firewiredrive which is really wonderfull but...

... it doesn't appear on my desktop anymore. very strange.
i know it's mounted because i can play mp3-tracks that are located on the drive with itunes. i can also see it with the by changing to the /Volumes/ directory and list its contents. i get an error message from the system if i turn the drive off as well.

disk utility says the drive is ok.

so it seems to work fine in every way except i cannot see it on my desktop. It also does not appear when i open a finder window and click on computer, which shows all my drives and networkvolumes. currently i don't know how to unmount the drive, because the only i know was by clicking on it and dragging it to the trashcan.

how do i get the finder to show it again?

Make sure you check your Finder Preferences and have all the 'Show These Items on the Desktop' checked.

Use Disk Utility to unmount the drive. Highlight the drive in Disk Utility, go under the menu Options and choose Unmount or Eject.
Also try clicking on the desktop and selecting 'Clean Up' from the 'View' menu :)
Does it appear in the 'My Computer' window? It's command+shift+C or select it from the 'Go' menu :)
sorry for replying so late, i was offline a few days.

Satcomer > 'Show These Items on the Desktop' checked

it's checked

Satcomer > Use Disk Utility to unmount the drive.

i can unmount it remount it, but it doesn't help

ksv> Also try clicking on the desktop and selecting 'Clean Up'

doesn't help.

ksv> Does it appear in the 'My Computer' window?

no. it doesn't do so on both of my computers. (g4/400 yikes and tibook/400)

i also tried unmount and mount with this also doesn't help.

very strange. there seems to be something within the drive, because the same problem appeared with two computers at the same time.

what files does the finder read on the drive?

still i got no clue. thanks for your ideas.
a friend had this issue once. It was a corrupt file that X needed to read. But when he booted into 9 it worked fine.

So boot into 9, take your files off, and re-format it.