Cannot send email with Mail


I have set up a POP email account to forward mail from my domain. I get emails fine, but can't send them. I have the correct Smtp address which my isp (virgin media) gave me. I don't really understand the ports. Is there something obvious that I am missing here?
If you want to send email to your EXTERNAL (non ISP email server) then you have to open Mail, go to Mail preferences, look on the pop-up for 'Outgoing Email Server(SMTP)" and use the pull down to select 'Edit Server List'. A window will come down and then highlight your non ISP email server. If the port is set to 25 (for an external email server) change it to port 587 and try that to see if it works.

Also open Mail then go to the menu item "Window" and during the pull down select 'Connection Doctor'. Tell us what it says to help you.
Thanks for the reply. I tried that and got:

The connection to the server “” on port 587 timed out.

Select a different outgoing mail server from the list below or click Try Later to leave the message in your Outbox until it can be delivered.

Connection Doctor tells me that it could not connect to this smtp server and to verify that it supports ssl (I don't know what this is)

Connection Doctor tells me that I am connected to (ntlworld now virgin media, who is now my isp) but I can't send mail on that either.
O.K. This possible fix might help (if ntworld is your email server and you verify the settings for the email server settings from your ISP):

1. Quit Mail

2. Go to the folder /YourHardDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Preferences/ and delete the file This will reset your Mail application with loosing saved email and boxes.

3. Restart

4. Open Mail and it will go through a setup wizard. Give it the email server settings you got from the Virgin email setup page.

See if this fixes the settings for the email settings. Good luck.
OK, done that. That has cleared all my mail boxes. I ran through new account set up and it has sent a test email to my other account fine.

Thank you very much for your help.