Can't choose custom install


I've noticed when I install programs I am unable to choose "Custom Install", usually I just choose basic "Install", but on a couple of programs I've needed to choose Custom Install so that I could add some additional functionality, but find I am unable to even though installation instructions that came with the software say I should be able to.

Anyone know why this could possibly be happening? Is there some setting/preference I don't know about?

Any application I have installed custom install has never been active, the button is grayed out, I especially noticed with the following applications:

Pro Tools LE 6.0 that came with my Mbox
DVD Studio Pro 2

DVD Studio Pro 2 is the big one because I purchased it and brought it home and was in such a hurry to get going that I did a standard install. Afterwards I found out that you must do a custom install to get support for iDVD 3 themes.

I reinserted the install disk and tried to do it that way, but then my only option was "UPGRADE"; Customize is grayed out...
Did you try repairing permissions? Also try extracting the installer program from your OS install CD with Pacifist, and replacing it.
Repairing permissions didn't help.

Also, I'm unfamiliar with Pacifist, is that a Utility bundled with my Apple or is that a third-party program?

Actually , I just found Pacifist at I will try as you recommend and let you know how it turned out later.

Thanks for all the help!