can't empty trash



i'm using OS X 10.4.3 and am logged in under my own username. For some reason every time i try to empty my trash the action locks up and i have to reboot my system.

Is there anyway i can force my trash to trash the items? I've tried holding down option while doing so but it still doesn't work.

Hi Rob,
search the forum for the following words: "empty trash".
You can empty the trash in the terminal. For more detailed instructions check out those threads.
I think this subject caused most of the new threads in this forum. ;)
Good luck!
Thanks for the info. I tried doing a search on empting the trash and have also tried the Terminal. No matter what i try with the Terminal, i keep getting errors such as:

too many arguments
no such file or directory found
command not found

Any idea what i am doing wrong? I'm assuming the user name is the name of my own folder under Users/
Thanks for any advice,
I have tried all the suggestions on the site you have listed and nothing seems to work still...When i type cd~/.Trash....sudo rm -rf this message comes up:

"We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:"

Then it lists 3 points, anyone have any suggestions?
That's a default message that appears when you try and become the super-user (or root) for the first time. It's just a warning and does not indicate any kind of error.

When you type the commands:
cd ~/.Trash
sudo rm -rf
You will be prompted for your admin password. Enter it and everything should work out fine.
When i type cd ~/.Trash then sudo rm -rf i get this error now...

"my name" is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.