Can't Enter Bank Details In On-line Order

Hello Cheryl (and DeltaMac),

Just as well I hadn't yet been on to my bank . . . but, upon reflection . . .

1. I don't encounter this problem when I test these two websites from my Microsoft Surface tablet running Windows 10.

2. The initial personal details windows are not secure but, next to the 'checkout' button, a note says it is to a 'secure checkout'. However, when you get there you find it doesn't have the normal https prefix to the URL, just a green padlock and the merchant's name, also in green, and then the same 'www.' URL as in the preceding windows.

3. However, at this point, they can't know who my bank is, can they? i.e., whether or not there is a security certificate problem? The point is, I can't enter anything into the account details fields.

I hope I'm managing to think logically . . .
Okay, let’s step back a minute and think about what we know and what you have done.

We know those sites will allow you to enter credit card info on a Windows system.
We know that the sites do appear to be secure on a Mac.
Which leads to something may not set right on the Mac

Were you able to go to a different site such as amazon and make a purchase? Did you have the same problem or were you able to type in your cc information?
Did you try going to System Preferences (the gear box in your dock) and in Users & Groups create a new user to be able to log into the computer? Were you able to log out of your user, and log into the new user and then open a browser window and try to make a purchase at one of those problem sites?

While it is rare - there are sites that refuse to allow their web site to work with different systems other than Windows. You may have encountered two of them.

There is a trick I learned when dealing with these sites. When I need to click on a link on a site - such as the shopping cart or check out, I hold down the control key on the keyboard as I click and hold down the mouse on the link or button. This will bring up a menu and you can select 'Open link in New Window’.
See if this trick works for you.
Okay . . . Were you able to go to a different site such as amazon and make a purchase? Did you have the same problem or were you able to type in your cc information? . . .

Yes . . . frequently . . . in fact, more than frequently. These two sites are so odd.

. . . Did you try going to System Preferences (the gear box in your dock) and in Users & Groups create a new user to be able to log into the computer? Were you able to log out of your user, and log into the new user and then open a browser window and try to make a purchase at one of those problem sites? . . .

Yes & Yes.

. . . There is a trick I learned when dealing with these sites. When I need to click on a link on a site - such as the shopping cart or check out, I hold down the control key on the keyboard as I click and hold down the mouse on the link or button. This will bring up a menu and you can select 'Open link in New Window’.
See if this trick works for you.

It does, but the bank account fields remain just as impenetrable.
Here's something else to try - go to your site, then click on the Develop menu (turn that on in Safari preferences, then Advanced.)
Under the Develop menu, change the User Agent to something more "windows-y", maybe Internet Explorer 11, or even Microsoft Edge.
That setting will make it appear from another web site that you are using a different browser, but doesn't change anything about how you use the browser, it just appears to be different from the other end.
Try to enter your banking information after changing that User Agent setting.
That may be all that you need to do (if it works, of course :D )
One more try.
Download Google Chrome, and try that.

If that is still the same result (you can't enter any bank info), then a couple of possibilities.
See if there is tech support at the site itself. Complain that you can't order anything from your Mac. Perhaps they know about that already ... Give the site an opportunity to explain, or to offer other suggestions that DON'T involve using a different operating system platform. :D
If no results that way, complain to your bank support.
If that doesn't help you at all, or no information from the bank - find another site to use. I bet it is not the ONLY source for what you want, and you should take your business elsewhere.
Sites that don't keep up with technology on security issues (which is what you have) need to lose your business.
I agree, give the site a chance to explain and give your most polite argument that they need to accommodate all platforms. I am not sure what your bank support can do, but I would take my business else where.
Thanks again to you both.

I tried Google Chrome earlier, but had no more luck than with Safari & Firefox.

I did wonder whether the absence of an https prefix to the Safari checkout URL might have been significant; i.e., the basket URL being and the checkout URL being # Joe Brown Ltd (where # stands for the padlock ikon).

Sure enough, if I use my Microsoft Surface tablet, which has no problem with bank account data, the checkout URL is # Joe Brown Ltd (GB)

But then so is the checkout URL with my iMac's Firefox; i.e., the checkout URLs for both my MS Surface tablet and my iMac, both running Firefox, include (GB) https:// between # Joe Brown Ltd and

I will report this all to my bank's internet help desk and that of Joe Browns Ltd.
Before you go further - can you check with the App Store (in your dock) and click on Updates - just to make sure you system is totally up to date? It will be under Software Update. If you click on the more link in the description you will see the various items that are part of the OS that may have an update.

If you find that you need to download and install Safari or Security update - do that. It may require a restart. Then give those sites another try.

We have to cover all the bases... and I just checked my updates which reminded me to have you check yours.
Hello Cheryl,

According to App Store, there are "No Updates Available" for me apart from a free upgrade to Sierra from my current El Capitan. The latest Safari,10.0.1, was installed on 26th October, together with Security Update, 10.11.6.

I don't suppose the fact that your iMac may or may not share my problem with these recalcitrant websites would be of any relevance; i.e., is it generic problem or just mine? My iMac is a 20-inch, Early 2009, 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo.

I gave the URLs in my post on Tuesday, 6:56 AM - i.e., and - hoping someone might give it a spin.
Yes, you are good...
I tested the Joe Brown site.
Added an item to the "bag", then checked out.
Well, I tried to checkout.
I entered everything, and it was all accepted until I got to the screen to enter details for my bank card.
The site wouldn't let me enter anything there.

It's not on your end.
I am Delaware, USA.
Are you UK? or US?

I suspect that both Joe Brown and Hearst Magazine will use the same shopping setup, at least behind the scenes.
Next step - call Joe Brown’s customer service to complain and get assistance.


I'm UK, by the way :cool:

Being realistic, I would guess this glitch hasn't been reported back to these merchants too often, so they and other iMac users experiencing it have understandably concluded it was something wrong with the individual computer concerned.

Having said that and despite a single swallow (or two) not making spring, doesn't this coincidence of both our iMacs having the same problem point to it being a joint iMac / merchants' shopping setup problem?
Well, not really.
Your's (well, Joe Browns) is the only site that I have seen that happen. I haven't tried the Hearst Magazine site (I'm not particularly interested to try other sites where you are already having a problem), but I rather expect that the security issues will be similar.

And, I don't really consider that a coincidence. Apple provides a security update (which includes an update to Safari, which is often part of a security update), and the sites that support internet shopping aren't always quick on the trigger to make sure their stuff works with every possible browser. I suspect that if you complain to Joe Browns, telling them you would actually like to make online purchases from them, tell them you can't enter banking information for an online order, and a friend of yours in the US even tried their site, using the same setup that you have tried, and also can't enter banking information.
And, you ask them to tell you why that would happen. I expect it will be fixed within a few days (or even shortly after this weekend).
But, do complain. That's how "stuff" gets fixed, particularly if the retailer doesn't know about it.
They probably need to know what operating system, and which browser you are using, just to make it all relevant.
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Hello DeltaMac,

Of course; I think I see now. The data entry problem exists only in the secure part of their website, therefore, the problem has to be at their end.

"I'm so proud of you, Homey" . . . "Aw shucks Marge; I'm proud of me too; shown that Ned Flanders a thing or two . . ."
Hello again both one more time,

Problem solved :), with help of a patient Joe Brown representative. It was two-fold; me having an AZERTY, rather than a QWERTY keyboard - same as you, DeltMac? - and Joe Brown's secure checkout fields being 'blind' to AZERTY keyboards; that is to say, they don't recognise digits produced by holding down the Shift key à la mode AZERTY.

He agrees that the Joe Brown website must also be faulty, seeing how I do not encounter this 'blindness' with many other websites, and is going to hand the problem over to their website development team to make it AZERTY friendly.

He's also provided me with a fix at my end by adding a British keyboard language option to my existing French option in Keyboard Preferences. This enables me to key in digits without holding down the Shift key which, hey presto, Joe Brown's website accepts without a quibble. And if I encounter other 'blind' websites, as I occasionally do, I just switch to the British keyboard option and will be able to enter digits without holding down the Shift key.

A bit more to add to the macosx knowledge bank . . .
I had a similar problem getting into my Credit Unions site last week (Was fine on my Chromebook, so was not them, but only hitting ENTER when typing in my user ID. I'd get the 'https" crossed off in red and saying, "NOT SECURE. Worked with the credit union's Website person for maybe an hour, which is why I turned on Filevault, after turning on my firewall, which is a whole 'nother story>>LOL.

But the fix turned out to be simple. All I had to do, was copy and paste the URL where I was having the issue, and go into my anti virus, I chose FREE AVAST, and paste it to their, "Preference Settings, Web Shield IGNORE Box. Problem solved. May be your case too. My AV was just Johnny On The Spot, doing its' job :-)

Good Luck!!!