Cant Get Above 1fps On Ichat


when i try to use my new isight with ichat, it will work well for the first 5 seconds or so, but then slow down to 1fps. i am using ethernet here in my dormroom, so i know its not a slow connection. this has happened with more than one chatting partner, so i know it doesnt have anything to do with the persom im chatting with. the funny thing is, i can see the other person clearly, as they will usually be running at 15 or 16 fps. what is wrong with my isight? i need it to start working.
It would be nice if you gave us some details on your setup, like the exact model of Macintosh computer, specifics about the computer hardware, Mac OS X version, iChat version and other FireWire devices you have connected.

"iSight has a slow display speed" is just about as vague as you can get, so you can only expect as vague an answer in return. My only guess, based on the information you gave, is that your computer is really slow and you should upgrade it to get better video chat speeds.

With some details we might be able to give you a more specific answer.
rvkempf said:
when i try to use my new isight with ichat, it will work well for the first 5 seconds or so, but then slow down to 1fps. i am using ethernet here in my dormroom, so i know its not a slow connection. this has happened with more than one chatting partner, so i know it doesnt have anything to do with the persom im chatting with. the funny thing is, i can see the other person clearly, as they will usually be running at 15 or 16 fps. what is wrong with my isight? i need it to start working.

I am working on the same issue. I have tried almost all the different connection senarios possible. My systems are as follows

G4 PB 1.67ghz 1GB RAM 10.4.3 ALL updates installed

G4 PB 867mhz 1GB RAM 10.4.3 ALL updates installed

802.11B wireless over linksys router. I am not using Bonjour. I get the same problem chatting over the local network as I do trying to chat from work/home. Both of these systems were able to chat on panther.

So....anyone have ideas where to start looking?
I've got the same problem with my powerbook. Cannot get above 1fps on my isight. I can put my powerbook next to my mac mini and open a chat between the two, and the powerbook will be at 1fps while the mac mini will be at 15fps. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Figured it out. Remove the Virex program from Applications folder and start up items. Restart. That should do it. iSight should go back to 15 fps.
