Can't get on msn


I can't login to msn. I haven't been able to for the last few days, trying both Microsoft Messenger and Adium. Whats even more strange is I can't even access the website. But I have phoned friends and everything works fine for them. Anyone have any idea what could be wrong?
Just thought I'd let you know that I can log into msn from my friends house. Still no luck at home this is very stange. Somebody please help me!
When you say you can "log in" from your friend's house, does that mean you can log in from your friend's computer, or did you take YOUR computer over there and successfully log in on your own machine?

Also, if you could describe your computer and internet setup in a little greater detail (DSL? Cable? Dial up? Router? Modem? What type of Mac? What version of any pertinent software?) it would help us troubleshoot your problem a little better. As it stands, though, you're being pretty vague, and, as such, we can only offer equally vague suggestions.
I logged in at my friends house on his machine onto my msn account. I got dsl internet with a router. Im running panter on a g4 iMac. Also got a pc on the same internet connection, and I can't access from that computer either. I can access all other websites fine, its only, and it doesn't tell me I am blocked or anything either, it just says the page doesn't exist on both computers. I have NO idea why I wouldn't be able to access 1 website that everyone else can?