Can't print on HP 932c in 10.2.3?


Since upgrading to 10.2.3, I haven't been able to print from my HP 932c from just about any app. I can get the HP Utility program to print test pages, et c., but it's the only one that will do anything. All oher apps give me an obscure 'Error While Printing' message.

HP's website offers driver downloads for up to 10.2. Is there a way I can print from 10.2.3 on this printer?
Alternatively, in your browser window type the following address:

This will access CUPS and will let you examine the state of your printer from the web browser. If the driver is an issue, you might want to install Gimp print, which will work through CUPS to print and supports many printers.

removed the printer and reinstalled everything for it. now it gets to the 'opening connection to printer' stage, then quits each time.
Delete the printer from Printer Center. try Print Center Repair (download from Versiontracker), fix all the permissions and settings, don't delete the H-P items. then run the permissions repair in Disk Utility (this will list a PILE of printer stuff after running the above PCR) Reinstall the latest driver, and follow through to create a new printer in Print Center. I have an HP 935C, print center sees it as a 930c, the same as yours is seen, I don't have problems after doing that, good luck!
I used to have a problem like this in 10.2.

From your home folder, go into Library/Preferences
and delete any files that start with "print".
You can save a copy of them somewhere if it makes
you feel better.)

That seemed to solve my problem.