Can't reinstall iTunes!! Oh dear god!


Newbie here getting really desperate.

SOmehow I uninstalled iTunes, and now I can't get it to reinstall. I tried to reinstall from my mini's install disc, but iTunes isn't listed as software to reinstall customly. Also, I tried reinstalling airport & iTunes off of the disc that came with the mini, but it says I have a newer version. When I try and download the update file from the web, I'm told the iTunes file can't be found, or is in the trash, etc.

Please god help! I got the mac so I could use iTunes & my iPod, but I'm freaking out! Thanks so much!
If you delete Apple initial supplied applications and want to reinstall then you must delete the applications Receipt in /Library/Receipts/.
Ok, I deleted the receipts, and when I run the installer it says the application could not be red from or written to; any other advice? Thank you SO MUCH!
Download Pacifist:
You should be able to extract iTunes from your installation disk and install it using Pacifist.
You can do this with the demo Pacifist download, but it's definitely worth paying the $20 for the license. It's a really worthwhile app to have; I've needed to use it a number of times and it's saved me a lot of aggravation.
Thanks! Another dumb girl question, though-what do I extract? I tried extracting just the iTunes.mpkg, and iTunesX.pkg, but I have no idea what I'm doing. Thank you so much for your help-I really appreciate it!
You want to install You'll find it by double clicking on "Contents of AdditionalApplications.mpkg", then double clicking on
"Contents of iTunes.pkg", then double clicking on "Applications". Directly under "Applications", you should see "". Highlight it, then click on "Install", which is in the Pacifist menu bar. You should then have a fresh copy of iTunes in your applications folder.
Another way is to first click on "Find" in the Pacifist menu bar. Then type "iTunes" in the little window that appears and click on the "find" tab. You should then see a list in the "search results" window on the right. "" should be near the top of the list. Highlight it and click on "install".
After that, you'll want to run Software Update, since there have been a couple of updates to iTunes recently. After that, all should be well again.
That said: I think Apple definitely needs to clear these things up. Sure, it's easy to install and de-install software on the Mac, but the _official_ way of reinstalling iTunes in this case would be to set up your Mac again. And that, seriously, can't be it. I hope Leopard will bring some kind of setup for these things.