cant see my folder icons Part2


(Sorry for my not so good english, im french from Montreal) ok more info that time! my mac is a G4 500mhz with 1gb of ram. Last week i run norton systemworks v1. during speed disk operation i had to stop the operation because i had.... then i lost my HD drive on the desktop, i tried a lot of things to mount it again and finally the last thing that works has been to use Norton volume recover. it took 24h to recover everything and eveything works perfectly. but i had a folder that had been created during the recover that was coming from an image disk that was mount on the desktop. i tried to flush that folder in the the trash but it wont delete even after a restart. so i went in the terminal and use rm code to remove it. that works but now i cant see my folders icons anymore
Trashing or better moving the in the home/Library/Preferences folder has not work.
Never... ever... ever... stop an optimization, for any reason. Your data is in a "matrix-like" state during an optimization, and stopping it, even with the "Stop optimization" button is a big no-no. There is nothing so important that you can't wait until it's done or use another computer, since stopping an optimization can seriously screw your system. Using Norton's software on an OS X machine is also a big no-no.

Just for future reference.