Seems like you and I are the only ones that own the old Yikes! machines... hehe... I've got a G4/400 ordered the day that the G4s were released, and have been loving it ever since. I'm just waiting on the 800/1000MHz upgrades to come through and then my machine will be top-of-the-line again!
Anyways, I've got a couple of questions -- I had some problems getting Jag to work on my system, too. Turns out, it was the install CDs that were faulty, not my system! Did you purchase the full version of Jaguar? If so, look on the back of the CDs -- I'm sure you can tell where data's been written and where data hasn't been written, right? Well, on my CDs, the "written" portion of the Jag CD wasn't symmetrical -- it looked like the actual foil in the CD itself was somehow warped a smidgeon, and causing a lot of problems when I tried to install it. Here's how I fixed it: I simply made a copy of the CD, using a very low burn speed (4x or 8x) to make sure that any errors could be corrected when it was writing the CD. I then used the CD-R to install Jaguar, and haven't encountered any problems yet.
If you problem isn't with the install process, then I'm assuming it's a problem actually booting Jaguar after you've successfully installed it. I've also found that with each subsequent release of OS X, the system becomes more and more picky about the quality of add-ons such as RAM and SCSI cards. Try removing any 3rd-party peripherals and RAM and see if that helps with your booting woes. If it does, you can slowly isolate the cause of the problem and contact the appropriate vendor about a fix. Try knocking your system down to 128 or 256MB of RAM, and use the stock RAM that came with the system. This seems to alleviate MANY problems with Jaguar. Install Jag with ONLY that original RAM in there, and that may help with any corrupt installations. After you've got a succeffully installed and booted Jag system, try adding back RAM and peripherals and see which one causes the problems.
Hope this helps!