Can't transfer files to my external HD..


About a month ago I bought a G-Tech 500 GB G Drive. It is formatted for a mac and has worked fine until yesterday. At first it would not stay mounted. I would have it connected and after a few min would disapear off the desktop and I would get a message saying it was improperlly removed and whatnot. Also when that was going on there would be trash in the trash bin whenever I connected it and it would not let me empty it. I then unplugged my power cord and turned it off for a good 20 min. Since then I haven't gotten those issuses again.

At that point I was able to do stuff such as listen to music on iTunes, as I have ALL of my music on the external drive. However when I would try to move anything to the drive I would get one of a few errors. The first being along the lines of " file cant be transferred because the file name is too long". Another one I can remember was "cant be transferred because one or more of these files cant be read/written - error 36". I was using the firewire hookup so I tried the USB and got the same results.

The only thing I did yesterday before all this was do a software update, since I hadn't in a little while, and I repaired permissions on my internal drive. I also fiddled with the security settings a little. Im thinking something I did there messed everything up?

Im lost here I feel like I've tried everything. Losing all the files on that drive and reformating it isnt an option here since i would lose everything and pretty much have no use for the drive anymore.

Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance,
Have you checked your external hard drive with any drive repair utility? A good place to start would be your Disk Utility. Click on your external drive from the list on the left side of the Disk Utility window. Then, click on the Repair Disk button.
If that finds and repairs any type of problem, run the same Repair, to make sure that the repair does not uncover other problems.
Just tried that. Everything seemed good and nothing needed to be repaired. Tried to transfer something after and still doesnt work. It wont let me unmount it either.