Carnivore - Network Tool


The Late: SuperMacMod
Carnivore is a surveillance tool for data networks. At the heart of the project is CarnivorePE, a software application that listens to all Internet traffic (email, web surfing, etc.) on a specific local network. Next, CarnivorePE serves this data stream to interfaces called "clients." These clients are designed to animate, diagnose, or interpret the network traffic in various ways. Use CarnivorePE to run Carnivore clients from your own desktop, or use it to make your own clients.
Wasn't "Carnivore" originally the name of the proposed internet monitoring tool for the government? I remember something a few years back talking about how the government/FCC was thinking about implementing an internet monitoring tool, and I believe the name was "Carnivore." I remember it stirring up some debate over whether it was consitutional or not.
oh, they finally came out with the MacOSX version of this - they being Joshua Davis (Praystation) and Branden Hall - eh?

cools. something to play with.
ElDiabloConCaca said:
Wasn't "Carnivore" originally the name of the proposed internet monitoring tool for the government? I remember something a few years back talking about how the government/FCC was thinking about implementing an internet monitoring tool, and I believe the name was "Carnivore." I remember it stirring up some debate over whether it was consitutional or not.
yes, thats true...
except i thought it was actually implemented, not just a theory. we talked a bit about it in a computer crime class that i took
Fahrvergnuugen said:
yes, thats true...
except i thought it was actually implemented, not just a theory.
Right... Isn't this actually what this is... A government Carnivore client? ...complete with the federally mandated back door... and DMCA copyright verifier?

Who the heck would want THAT on thier machine?

Is a Trojan Horse made by the government any less onerous than one made by a hacker in a far off land?

Run like hell!!!