I have two cats called "Baby Kitty" and "Fatty". Hehe that's just their nicknames -- they are actually called "Bercino" (which means "whiner" in Italian -- and it's a fitting description) and "Taddeo" (which is a singer in an Italian opera). Fatty's a better description, though.
Fatty never comes around anymore. We always let him out, because he can't stand to be in the house. My brother always used to "torture" him by poking him and chasing him (this is my OLDER brother), and so now I never see him anymore and he doesn't like to be petted anymore.

And now my neighbors are monopolizing him and letting him stay in THEIR house.
Baby Kitty is really cute, though. He looks almost exactly like twyg's cat, Raksha. Brown tabby -- black and brown stripes, and what's so CUTE about him is that all 4 paws are white at the tip, so it looks like he just stepped in some milk.

And he also has a tuft of white fur under his chin, but other than that he's black and brown striped. But he's really friendly -- he likes to go out too, but he always comes back at night and sleeps in the house.

At night he likes to jump up where I'm sleeping or working and purr and stick his wet nose in my face and rub up against me. It's kind of annoying because I was working with my mom's iBook the other day, and he was walking all over it and I couldn't do anything, so I had to give up and pet him.

He also loves to bat things around like little play mice or balls or things. It's so funny, though, because the other day an almond was sitting on the rug, and he runs up and bats it, and it goes flying and so he thinks its a little bug or something and he chases it and bats it again. Then it goes flying and he chases it again... etc. You can just sit somewhere and watch him do this for about 15 minutes or so. It's so cute.

He does this with play mice or balls or whatever -- he's so playful.
Hopefully I can get a pic up, but I don't have a digi-cam, so probably not.
I'm glad that so many users of this forum have cats. I can't stand dogs (sorry dog-lovers) -- cats are just so much better.
As a side note, Cyan reminds me of a cat named Rosie that my aunt has -- she's really shy, but looks almost exactly like Cyan. Cyan really is a beautiful cat, Jadey.