Cats and Macs...

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snowball was a cutie cat. I will have to admit i have a thing for white kitties. but cyan is one beautiful cat as well Jadey. But how any cat could be quite as good as that description i do not know, but i will take your word for it.
My wife and I have two cats...

Belle and Sebastian are their names (named after the musical group!)

Belle is the wily one... A black and white, 1 1/2 year old isalways jumping on the counter, napping on the top of the cupboards... and of course attacking sebastian. The only time she seems to relax is when she sleeps on my lap as i work at my computer.

Sebastian is a big talker.... always moewing to you and wanting treats, his little belly is getting bigger all the time... He is only 10 months old and is already bigger than belle. He loves to be held and always sleeps next to his mommy (my wife) His grey tiger stripes make him one of the cutest cats i have ever seen... yes, i know i am biased!

The two of them together bring alot of happiness to me and Renee, even though i didn't want a cat to begin with... I always thought of myself as a dog person.

Check out this funny picture of them confronting a kung fu hamster... They don't know quite what to think!


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Hey guys, I did not know that so many people had cats! Wow!

I guess it is time to go post another pic of our cat. This one is lucky
Oops, look like I pushed enter accidently. Sorry about the double post but here is the picture of lucky...

Have a great day!



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OK, I will take a break from the many pics of the cats, however, I thought I would post my desktop picture which is pretty funny. I have had this desktop for ages so I do not exactly remember where I got it from.




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    my desktop.jpg
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I have a story that happened to a friend.

He was driving along one night and this cat ran out in front of his car. He hit it. Poor thing. Anyways... there happened to be a cop coming the other way and saw the whole thing. The cop pulled over my friend and they both went looking for the cat. They couldnt find it. The cop said that the right thing to do would be to walk up to a few houses around where they were and ask if anyone had a cat. Just so they could tell them what had happened to their beloved pet. Luckily they got found the owner at the first house they went to. The lady was devistated and couldnt beleive it. My friend felt so bad that he offered to pay the woman. The minute that he handed over the money to the lady the cop arrested my friend. Apparently he was "selling pussy".:p

That was bad... sorry for wasting your time.:(

I have two cats called "Baby Kitty" and "Fatty". Hehe that's just their nicknames -- they are actually called "Bercino" (which means "whiner" in Italian -- and it's a fitting description) and "Taddeo" (which is a singer in an Italian opera). Fatty's a better description, though. :)

Fatty never comes around anymore. We always let him out, because he can't stand to be in the house. My brother always used to "torture" him by poking him and chasing him (this is my OLDER brother), and so now I never see him anymore and he doesn't like to be petted anymore. :( And now my neighbors are monopolizing him and letting him stay in THEIR house. :mad:

Baby Kitty is really cute, though. He looks almost exactly like twyg's cat, Raksha. Brown tabby -- black and brown stripes, and what's so CUTE about him is that all 4 paws are white at the tip, so it looks like he just stepped in some milk. :) And he also has a tuft of white fur under his chin, but other than that he's black and brown striped. But he's really friendly -- he likes to go out too, but he always comes back at night and sleeps in the house. :) At night he likes to jump up where I'm sleeping or working and purr and stick his wet nose in my face and rub up against me. It's kind of annoying because I was working with my mom's iBook the other day, and he was walking all over it and I couldn't do anything, so I had to give up and pet him. :) He also loves to bat things around like little play mice or balls or things. It's so funny, though, because the other day an almond was sitting on the rug, and he runs up and bats it, and it goes flying and so he thinks its a little bug or something and he chases it and bats it again. Then it goes flying and he chases it again... etc. You can just sit somewhere and watch him do this for about 15 minutes or so. It's so cute. :) He does this with play mice or balls or whatever -- he's so playful.

Hopefully I can get a pic up, but I don't have a digi-cam, so probably not.

I'm glad that so many users of this forum have cats. I can't stand dogs (sorry dog-lovers) -- cats are just so much better. :)

As a side note, Cyan reminds me of a cat named Rosie that my aunt has -- she's really shy, but looks almost exactly like Cyan. Cyan really is a beautiful cat, Jadey.

Wow, I never knew that so many Macintosh users had cats! Looks like most of the people keep their cats indoors. Not us, to many cats and too much sensitive and expensive equipment to take the chance.

On a side note. I noticed some of you have flat screens that have indoor cats. How do you keep your cats from tipping them over?

Have a great day!

Originally posted by twyg
Finally caught Raksha, the most bashful of the bunch. (Everyone who was on the irc boards knows the pain that is me attempting to get pictures of the little beasties.)

Rasha sniffin'

Horrible pic I know, but hey, security cameras never take good shots either.

Our cats really look quite similar! Raksha also has very big and beautiful eyes, as does Jack Daniels have...
I have one cat, name of Allan. Hes pretty strange, like a dog in a cats body.
At the top of our stairs we have something that looks like a treehouse. He likes to run up the stairs and take a flying leap before hitting the treehouse with a loud THUNK.
All at night... run run run THUNK run run run THUNK
The treehouse also has a scratching post, of course he uses the support behind it.
He has been known to fetch, and hes scared to death of tennis balls. He also likes to hunt my mouse, which gets annoying.

He's 2 years old, with a white and gray body, and likes to sleep on my iMac.

Sorry, I don't have any pics of him.
Ed - "Nonlinear pecking order," what a great descriptive term!
My wife and I currently share our house with 6 cats, each with a distinct personality, behavior pattern and position within the 3-dimensional pecking order.
But today I'm gonna reminisce about my late lamented SuperCat, Ningauble (name courtesy of Fritz Leiber).
Ning was the largest Felis domestica I have ever known (and this was confirmed by other cat-lovers). He was 25 pounds, and not fat. His shoulders were knee-high on me.
He was absolutely a sweetheart where humans were concerned, always friendly and gentle. But other animals were a different story. Except where his sister (a more normal-sized cat) was concerned, he was very territorial and would attack any interloper. I got a kick out of seeing him run dogs off our property. German shepards, Rotties, didn't matter, he'd go after them and they would run.
Here's to you, Ningauble! <sniffle>

What do you guys think of CC, the first cat cloned by science? What is your personal opinion of animal cloning? What about human cloning?

Have a great day!

Four cats: Pippin, Mona, Abby, and Leo (aka Spike aka Biff). Check out my web page for pictures and descriptions. No, I don't get money when you visit my page. I don't have any ads. I don't even have a web counter. So there. :p

As for cat cloning, well, I wouldn't do it, but the idea doesn't offend me. If it doesn't hurt the cat, well, it would seem a little strange to have a cloned cat, but to each his/her own.

-the valrus
i have a cat named zoe she is insane like xoot she never comes in the computer room becuase of the loud music, but she does like the itunes visuizer when i turn the mute on :)
I have no cats, because they would eat my bird. But they are very interesting animals. :D
I have a great cat named Fellini... he's a bit surrealistic, I guess :)

He's a shaded Persian with white fur and he is REALLY wierd. He licks plastic bags for fun, entertainment, and maybe food value, I don't really know; he makes a lot of noise, sits around all day doing absolutely nothing (as in, NOTHING---not even moving), flops around on the couch when someone comes in, and he lit himself on fire for a New Years' celebration (we're still not sure why, exactly---he simply walked straight into a candle flame, lit his tail, and sat on the table looking at this odd burning thing with an xpression like "huh?" then he jumped off the table which put the flame out. All this before I could get a camera out, unfortunately, or it would have been a Kodak moment :p
I have three cats

Penny- Black really a friends cat that we took care of but never gave back :)

Carat - All kinds of colors from Engalnd 14 years old

Chlowy (not sure how to spell it just got this cat)- Just got this cat 7 months old greyish
I have three cats

Penny- Black really a friends cat that we took care of but never gave back :)

Carat - All kinds of colors from Engalnd 14 years old

Chlowy (not sure how to spell it just got this cat)- Just got this cat 7 months old greyish
This picture is of Penny