CD Problems --- icon missing (for example)


Very weird.. I just reinstalled 10.2 on my system -- a dual 1Gb G4..

when I stick a CD into the superdrive.. it mounts, but without the CD icon.

Also.. some CDs that I KNOW are good will not mount.. and give me.. "you have inserted a disk that contains no volumes OS X can read.." blah blah blah..

Can someone recommend a course of action for me ???

many thanks :))

Any CD, or CD-R/RW only? Is 'removable media' selected in Finder Preferences? Reload the 10.2.6 Combo updater.
not sure.. there are no different users..

i'll try that though...

oh crap.. i tried reloading the 10.2.6 update.. and now I can't eject the superdrive door from my keyboard.. the greyed out eject logo doesn't pop up on the screen and the door doesn't open..

i'll try creating a different user and logging in to see if it works under a different user.. I appreciate the help.. thanks :)
Sounds like a 'user prefs' problem. A couple of hints, download one of the utilities that allow removing cache files (can help with perfomance and other issues) such as Maintain1 or Onyx or Cocktail - or through terminal if you're comfortable with that. Also repairing permissions can be helpful, but this one may take other drastic measures. (Try the simple ones first)
I've had the same problem with my 1 ghz Powerbook. After trying absolutely everything between the Apple Store and the tech support numbers, I sent the thing back to Apple. I just got it back yesterday and guess what? Same problem!
I reinstalled the OS.

it fixed the problem.

to test to see if this is your prob.. boot from an OS on a CD or a firewire drive if you can..