may i point out that i for one couldn't care less about whether people swear or not ...
honestly i would prefer threads full of profanity to censorship, but then, as i think of most people on this forum as pretty mature, no matter what their age, i doubt there would be much profanity even it was allowed...
the point is that it goes against all principles of democracy to censor what people are saying, no matter whether some other people may be offended or not. who is the arbiter of what is/isn't offensive?
is the word "saugen" less offensive than s u c k, merely because it is a different language?
is it offensive to s u c k on a sweet merely because some people's minds are warped enough to make them think s u c k means only one thing, namely fellatio?
remember: profanity is in the eye of the beholder...
words have many meanings, and if you can't deal with one of the meanings may i say that is your problem, not mine ...
(and i don't necessarily mean you, matrix agent, just anyone who finds various words offensive ...

**** \****\, v. i.
1. To draw, or attempt to draw, something by suction, as with
the mouth, or through a tube.
Where the bee *****, there **** I. --Shak.
2. To draw milk from the breast or udder; as, a child, or the
young of an animal, is first nourished by sucking.
3. To draw in; to imbibe; to partake.
**** \****\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Sucked; p. pr. & vb. n.
Sucking.] [OE. suken, souken, AS. s?can, s?gan; akin to D.
zuigen, G. saugen, OHG. s?gan, Icel. s?ga, sj?ga, Sw. suga,
Dan. suge, L. sugere. Cf. Honeysuckle, Soak, Succulent,
1. To draw, as a liquid, by the action of the mouth and
tongue, which tends to produce a vacuum, and causes the
liquid to rush in by atmospheric pressure; to draw, or
apply force to, by exhausting the air.
2. To draw liquid from by the action of the mouth; as, to
**** an orange; specifically, to draw milk from (the
mother, the breast, etc.) with the mouth; as, the young of
an animal ***** the mother, or dam; an infant ***** the
3. To draw in, or imbibe, by any process resembles sucking;
to inhale; to absorb; as, to **** in air; the roots of
plants **** water from the ground.
4. To draw or drain.
Old ocean, sucked through the porous globe.
5. To draw in, as a whirlpool; to swallow up.
As waters are by whirlpools sucked and drawn.
To **** in, to draw into the mouth; to imbibe; to absorb.
To **** out, to draw out with the mouth; to empty by
To **** up, to draw into the mouth; to draw up by suction
or absorption.
**** \****\, n.
1. The act of drawing with the mouth.
2. That which is drawn into the mouth by sucking;
specifically, mikl drawn from the breast. --Shak.
3. A small draught. [Colloq.] --Massinger.
4. Juice; succulence. [Obs.]
n : the act of sucking [syn: sucking, suction]
v 1: draw into the mouth by creating a practical vacuum in the
mouth; "**** the poison from the place where the snake
bit"; "**** on a straw"; "the baby sucked on the
mother's breast"
2: draw something in by or as if by a vacuum; "Mud was sucking
at her feet"
3: attract by using an inexorable force, inducement, etc.; "The
current sucked him in" [syn: **** in]
4: take in, also metaphorically; "The sponge absorbs water
well"; "She drew strength from the minister's words" [syn:
absorb, imbibe, soak up, sop up, **** up, draw,
take in, take up]
5: give **** to; "The wetnurse suckled the infant"; "You cannot
nurse your baby in public in some places" [syn: breastfeed,
suckle, nurse, wet-nurse, lactate, give ****]
[ant: bottlefeed]