Censoring on MacOSX.com

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Now that Admin has eliminated the word "suck" from the filtered words list, let me say a little bit in defense of him. No, I'm not "switching sides", but I'm just trying to clarify my position and why I brought up this topic.

NOWHERE in my argument did I use the "U.S. Constitution" to support why I think that the two words should be uncensored. In my opinion, the U.S. Constitution really has no place here on the boards because it IS Admin's board. And to be honest, without trying to offend anyone, I think it's a little ridiculous to hide behind an idealistic document.

The argument I was using was common sense, nothing more. 1) The word had a common usage. 2) The potentially "offensive" word has lost it's edge, and has now become common usage. 3) No one, even Admin, objected to the fact that I was evading the censorship, and thus there is no reason to censor the words.

These arguments go for both the word "suck" and the word "p" "i" "s" "s". I'd still like to see "p" "i" "s" "s" uncensored.

However, I do not want Admin to be called a dictator and a dirty Republican and all that stuff. I'm glad that Admin understood what I was trying to say and eventually took "suck" off the censored word list. While I did say before that Admin was acting a little like a dictator, it was because I was angry when he apparently was reading this thread but did not take any action. Now that he has taken some action, I see that he isn't a dictator.

Guys, the comments about Republicans v. Democrats should be taken to another thread. This isn't about Admin's views. It's about Admin's censorship. I objected to the censorship of the word "suck", and I STILL object to the censorship of the word "p" "i" "s" "s". I still want Admin to take it off the list. That's it, plain and simple.

I hope that clarifies some things. If we are taking a "vote", I am still for the censorship of the blatantly offensive words (like "suck", but changing the "s" to an "f"). I just don't want common words to be censored (like "p" "i" "s" "s").
are we suppose to obey your almighty command? will anybody see this post or will i be banned before its posted? because if it did, that would be the death of me... nobody asked you to pay the bills, so by all means shut down the board if that will prove your power.. i admin a board myself, not as much traffic as this one, but none the less theer are still complaints that have to be dealt with whether they are meaningful or meaningless (which all of mine are)
hilarious, ridiculous, defensive and, basically, what's turned into a p*ssing contest. It has now come down to, "It's my ball and I'll go home."

Nice knowing you all. Too bad. <ROLLING EYES (in pity and disbelief - not sarcasm as I was subjected to)>

Guess i have to stand for something or Blah Blah blah - you know the rest.
to eds post on page 2 i think, they admin will not censor "satan", if he did he would be forced to sensor the word "christ" "god" "jesus" "alah" ect.
And here I was thinking the argument was over.:rolleyes:

Admin is just looking out for people here. What is the problem with just using F*** or WTF or any other means of saying the same thing? I don't really see why it's necessary to use these words anyway.

I agree with SimX. It's fine to mask the words that are purely offensive, but leave the ones that have other meanings alone.

What about a compromise. Can we replace the words with A**H*** instead of ******* or F*** instead of ****? Would that make anyone happy?
hmmm.... it's time to declare (and brand) this thread officially
"A debate thread" ... now where is my branding iron dangnabbit....
I require my branding iron

lol :p

At this point, on the fifth page of this, our thread, I ask all of you to take a deep breath ;)

with my preferences its 5 :p

I am trying to troubleshoot windows XP installations while reading this board lol :p --- (windows stinks...jeez...I have spend MORE than 3 hours trying to install it on the PC next to this mac. I upgraded this mac in hald an hour to a brand new OS, and brandpanking new browsers, media players, readers and whatnots.

I again say, no matter what page this is (:p)
Leave politics outta this, leave god and government out of this, just put a sock in it for 2 hours, no one responds here for two hours, and think about it. Let cooler heads prevail here.

We've been building this board up for 2 years, kinda stupid to see it get flushed down the toilet like this.

but what fun is a board where everybody gets along? obviously everyone is smarter than everyone one else and they must prove theirselves.. so i say, **** **** **** cunt cocksucker mother ****er **** fart turd and twat
it cant be that rediculous, you responded.. besides, no ones forcing you to read it, and it cant be that much of an inconvenience to overlook it
The debate is over. New policy is in effect. Thanks to SimX we are now enforcing cussing on this board. But not filtering it.
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