Chameleon Macs

With the way Apple designs computers, this could turn out to be a really nice, flashy product. I'm thinking it's going on an iPod revision, but who knows?
I think that would be a brilliant idea on Apple's part, just think what a 'cool' factor it would add!
Cool, so I set my desktop pattern to a new colour, and my computer changes colour too! And if its working really hard, it goes all hot colours. Love it. Only Apple could pull this one off. Wonder who's responsible for the stunning piece of artwork which accompanies the patent!
Originally posted by AppMan
how bout shipping macs with a 2 button mouse -now thats an idea

2 button mouse??!!! :eek:

Your ideas are outlandish! You call yourself a scientist??!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
I see Apple going with a trend to add neon tubes to the interior exposed PC. Figure macs are setup with the glossy shells, just move the obstructions to allow a clear view into the case. I can see the Powermac looking really stealth and sleek with some wisely placed tubes. Heat could change the tubes to different colors, or processor activity, and i would think they would allow this to be switched off. Seems like a DJ/TV device, something to draw attention.
Hmmmm, your electronic device would change colors like a mood ring did. Is Apple going Retro? :p
what if your mouse could morph between a one, two or three button mouse with this technology :D h0h0h0
I would LOVE my coputer to change color. Except i want to control the color. Think if i got an iMac and it'd be green, no red, or orange, maybe blue. It all depends on my settings. Different day, different color. That'd rock!

Thanks for the chameleon macs Apple. At least your being consistant and keeping up your new trend of spending vast ammounts of precious Operating System R&D dollars on gimicky computer cases instead. That's were Apple really needs improvement.
I hope this is for consumer devices I won't buy. Really, didn't they learn from the hippie iMacs?

I got angry a bit, when AppMan posted to rather create two-button mice (although we all know we want _three_ buttons of course, or at least a scroll wheel that also acts as a third button), but then I thought again. While I don't think Apple would sell much more systems just by including a mouse with more buttons, I do think that Apple could push more where there's money to be made. Flashy computers? We've GOT that from Apple. And they shouldn't take this too literally. So they want us to be able to change the outer glow of a computer but not the theme of the OS? How sad is that? Aqua looks nice with the white computers, that's true...

Guess we may one day see what this patent is really about and how Apple wants to implement it... Maybe then I'll see some use in it...
wahoo for cool changing cases!

i can't wait for the glassy eyed looks of 'wow' from customers as they gaze upon the new iLavaLamp changing colours before their eyes..

I guess the majority of people who purchase macs would love this. I don't think it would be something I would like, though... I like simple things that don't change colors or have bright colors. Hopefully they don't go too far with this idea/patent.
I have a few comments:

1. I hate to be the negative one, but there are many people who are more knowlegable in patents than I, and they feel that this is an effort by Apple to corner a new section of the market before it is even created. This patent is is no way indicative that Apple actually has this technology.

2. If they do, as I hope, its not going to be applied (at first) in a non-functional, decorative way. Imagine being able to receive status signals directly from your tower, such as the ones on a car's instrument panel. There could be projections of system load, core temperature, volume and brightness. And within a rack of xServes, an individual server which encounters an error can change its panel red. There are many useful applications for this technology, and I doubt it will be used in a mood ring/visualizer way, when Apple can hardly get the iTunes visualizer to run with decent speed on a normal screen.

3. One of the most orignal ideas I've heard on the boards involved the iPod's lucite front. Subtract the screen and controls and you could project the controls, information, and a small visualizer when non in use. It might subtract some of the funcationality of the scroll wheel, but it would be a creative step forward nonetheless.

I think we must be postitive about this, while keeping in mind that this technology may not even be advanced/exist.