Change of modification date on opening a nested folder


This is a problem that has been bugging me for sometime now - It seems that whenever you open a nested folder in the finder, it changes the modification date of the parent directory, this is a real pain, especially in the nested folders of the ~/Library folder. I often trawl through these folders in search of Application Support files etc and don't necessarily want the parent folder's modification date to change just 'cos I view its contents. This happens regardless of whether I have modified the contents or not!

How do I stop this from happening? - Any ideas?
That's strange -- I am not seeing the same behavior on my machine. My "Developer" folder has a modification date of July 13, 2008, and even after navigating into subfolders, the modification date remains the same.

Are these folders on your local drive, or on a networked share?
I see it on all my machines.... Running different flavours of Tiger and Leopard. This is on local drives.

I just tried the "Developer" folder on my MacBook Pro - in list mode - and after expanding the nested folders the system has changed the Mod date of the Developer Folder to "Today"?
Hi jammin16, & welcome to the forums :)

I just checked this on my iMac running 10.4.11 and my file modification info was all correct.

This is a very odd occurrence! Especially if you are seeing this across multiple machines. It has to be something to do with your Network (if you have one, that is?) but I'm at a loss as to what to suggest.
Thanks to all for your replies....
Hmm!, interesting. It is something to do with the networking. When I isolate the MacBook and switch off AirPort, the problem stops. And now that I am reconnected it has still stopped - we'll see for how long...

I am running a MacBook Pro (Leopard), iMac 24 (Leopard) and iMac G5 (Tiger 10.4.11) across AEBS with a network drive and use ARD to control the G5 when off site.

Not running in Root mode