change video/audio preview in finder?


Lurks: 15,289
ok, this is annoying, and probably an easy fix. on my old G5/tiger if I selected a video or audio file in column view I got the preview with the basic qt controller with timeline and audio controls etc.... now with my new mac and leopard, all i get is a play icon and it plays the preview but i can scan through the file or adjust audio like i used to. what am i missing.

and i have qt pro
Apple QuickTime Pro needs to be bought for QuickTime every time you upgrade OS X (i.e. 10.4.x to 10.5.x). The functions you describe are associated with QuickTime Pro.
Apple QuickTime Pro needs to be bought for QuickTime every time you upgrade OS X (i.e. 10.4.x to 10.5.x). ...
Um-m-m-m, no. The schedule of paid upgrades for QuickTime Pro and MacOS X are not the same. If you upgrade the QuickTime Player with the QT Pro features activated, then the professional features will cease to be activated when it is time to ante up again.
well in Qt preferences, it says I have Quicktime 7 Pro, all the extra features are available. was there maybe something i selected when setting up new mac like use itunes for preview or something instead of qt?
O.K. then. The more I thought about it the more I realized that this is the default for Leopard (it's the same way for me too). However invoking QuickLook I do get the controls.