Changing the FTP port in OSX



I would like to change the default port number 21 for my ftp access on OSX 10,0,3 . Do you have any idea? I changed already the /etc/services but it does not seems to work. In the begining of the file it's written that the /etc/sdervices is only searched in Mono-user configuration ...

Can you help ?

Thanx :)

Sorry for my english, I'm french ...
In NetInfo Manager, under services, if you click on the entry for FTP, there is an entry for Port. Change that to whatever port number you want, and restart FTP (disable and re-enable in Sharing)
Remember that non-root devices have no permissions by default so anybody can read, write, wipe, whatever those volumes unless you set the permissions for them.
The port is now changed but the data ports seems so be still bolcked by the gateway. My admin said I have to change the data ports area. How can I do that ?
