Chimera 0.2.1

I don't think Chimera works with any plugins yet, so Java won't work.

And why are they calling it Navigator? Uh, hello? Who's genious idea was that? *Calls Netscape Legal Department*
Originally posted by dricci
And why are they calling it Navigator? Uh, hello? Who's genious idea was that? *Calls Netscape Legal Department*

From my understanding Navigator (Chimera) is being developed by the same guys that are developing Mozilla. And the people who are developing Mozilla are subsidized by AOL, owners of netscape. So in essence the development of Navigator is for perhaps a future version of Netscape or even AOL for OSX. So there should be no legal problems if they are all one big family.

If any of the above that I have stated is wrong please correct me, because I very well could be.

Originally posted by dixonbm

And the people who are developing Mozilla are subsidized by AOL, owners of netscape. So in essence the development of Navigator is for perhaps a future version of Netscape or even AOL for OSX


Please, don't say stuff like that. It'll just light Eds fire and he'll bother us for a lot longer...
"Mozilla is AOL" "Use Mozilla, and you condem us all"
My god that's fast. I might have to ditch IE when they sort the bugs out. What's most noticibly missing is a way of making text bigger. Form elements look absolutely horrible, and now that they've made text smaller, I can't read some bits (see attachment).

Also, spellchecking a la OmniWeb would be nice. After all, I understand it's fairly trivial to impliment in a cocoa app.

Bernie :o)


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Fryke start a thread about each omniweb sneaky peak if you want. I can start a thread for each chimera release if I want. People are interested in this browser and I'm just giving them the heads up that a new release is out and new features are added. Isn't that what this forum is for? Sorry if I'm troubling you so much your highness.
Oh yeah back to talking about chimera :).

Text size seems to be a problem. I was going to go see if there was a bug filed about it....
    And something else I just realised - have you tried uploading a file in Chimera? I just posted that attachment, and had to type the file path into the file browse box, because the open dialouge doesn't work now that's the kind of bug they should be fixing ASAP. That said, I really am very impressed with how fast this project have moved on (for an open source effort). As soon as the features rival OmniWeb (better prefs etc...) then this could become the default browser of the educated techie.

    However I think that to be fully usable they should copy IE's rendering of web pages in terms of font size. Ever since IE on the mac rendered text at the same size as windows users see it, websites have stopped bothering to put in platform conditional CSS code, and use the same for all browsers. Some text in OmniWeb or Chimera is *so* small that it's unreadable. Like it or not, Windows sets a standard for on-screen text display sizes, and mac browsers should follow that standard.

Bernie :o)
Form elements look absolutely horrible, and now that they've made text smaller, I can't read some bits (see attachment).

Bernie :o)

Do the menus work in 0.2.1?
They're ugly, too, should've been aquified. At least I expected them to work :p
Whoo hoo. I can right click for options, kill pop up windows, and this tab window thing is cool.

Ohhhh... but drop down HTML fields dont work. Like 'pick you state' things. Oh well. I hit 'm' and then just use the arrow keys.

originally proclaimed by bernie
Like it or not, Windows sets a standard for on-screen text display sizes, and mac browsers should follow that standard.

I don't like it and i don't have to agree with you or participate in promoting continued exceptance of anything m$. but if it makes any difference, i believe all browsers have a setting for minimum font size displayed. Keeping it at 14 keeps the web readable for me.:D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
i believe all browsers have a setting for minimum font size displayed. Keeping it at 14 keeps the web readable for me.:D
Alas the 'average' surfer is not as knowledgeable. When I design a website, my contract promises that it will look OK "On all PC browsers and IE for the mac". Most users of Netscape/iCab/Opera/OmniWeb probably don't adjust their minimum font sizes, so any websites I make will look crap in them.

I can't write scripts to enlarge fonts on Mac non-IE browsers, because that would screw people who have adjusted their font size preferences from the OS default. I just have to live with 2% of people thinking my website looks odd untill the situation changes.

Bernie o)
actually Bernie, i would guess that most users of Omniweb, icab and opera are smart enough to change their own prefs. It takes someone who knows a little more to feel brave enough to try something new. you probably are right about netscape. either way, anyone who supports ie standards to the exclusion of others is doing something very evil or very naively stupid in my book.;)
...and wish to find in Chimera soon:

saving websites as archives
download manager with resumable d/l's
(godsend if you are on dialup)
Originally posted by bighairydog
Alas the 'average' surfer is not as knowledgeable. When I design a website, my contract promises that it will look OK "On all PC browsers and IE for the mac". Most users of Netscape/iCab/Opera/OmniWeb probably don't adjust their minimum font sizes, so any websites I make will look crap in them.

Erhm... And have you ever heard of defining font sizes as 'px' (as in Pixel)? The font sizes look very much the same in every browser, if you define the size in your stylesheet as px. It's a pity for your customers if you do ANYthing else with the fonts, because you CAN have control, at least some.
Doesn't work well on IE for the mac I find. I've tried defining the size in pixels, but it still seems to produce inconsistant results. I blame Microsoft for trying to be clever.

Bernie :o)
Why not just set the font size in terms of percentages? PC browsers are generally set to be at a font size legible for them, and the same with Mac browsers. If I want something to be big text, I set it to be 125%. For small, I set it to 80%. Then if someone has changed their font to a larger one so they can see better (I have my font at 16pt, for example), or chooses Bigger Text or Smaller Text, everything is sized relatively. This doesn't even require platform-specific CSS, it just works because that's how all browsers are configured. I'm working on an online portfolio for my fiancee, and everything looks fine on the PC side and the Mac side (except for a couple of problems because of OmniWeb's lack of good CSS 2 support, and iCab's imitation support).