Chimera changing it's name


OS X Supreme Being
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Personally, I thought Navigator was a good name. I'm not sure why losing Chimera is a problem, since the entire app is called Navigator.

If Navigator is out, I like Voyager.
Voyager sounds good. It's a name that belongs to the history of browser names (Navigator, Explorer, Konqueror, Safari...). V'ger is a StarTrek inside joke that I wouldn't use personally. iVoyage is dumb, Camino - hmm... Voyager. But I would urge them to also name the app Voyager, then. Having two names for (in user perspective) the same thing is bad. (Having to change the name, though, too.)
I always wondered why it had kind of two names, Navigator as the application name and Chimera in other contexts. So, Chimera cannot be used any more for the name - but why? They didn't specify it in the link. Maybe I'm too used to the name, I didn't like the alternatives in the poll... :(

Or, they could use iMera which could partially conserve the name .. (imera = day in Greek, mera = more in Swedish, probably has some other meanings in other languages) :)
i hope to god they dont use an iname :p

i say just call it navigator, mozilla navgator, so people wont get confused... "oh netscape?"
I think just plain 'Voyager' sounds good since it's like an expansion on that Navigator name that they have now. iVoyage....that just doesn't seem to have the same ring to it.
Originally posted by Giaguara
I always wondered why it had kind of two names, Navigator as the application name and Chimera in other contexts. So, Chimera cannot be used any more for the name - but why? They didn't specify it in the link. Maybe I'm too used to the name, I didn't like the alternatives in the poll... :(

Or, they could use iMera which could partially conserve the name .. (imera = day in Greek, mera = more in Swedish, probably has some other meanings in other languages) :)

Chimera is already a browser for UNIX. They wouldn't let them use the name.
Voyager is great - shades of 'Star Trek' and the two space probes - still out there, sending back information to earth in their twentysixth year. See Voyager, from which (written a year ago): 'The Voyager mission, now in its 25th year, continues its quest to push the bounds of space exploration.' Sounds even more like Star Trek....

But, please - not iVoyage, iNavigate or iMera.... the 'i' will soon have had its day imho, and the web browser has to live on after....
Notice that Apple used a non-'i'-name for its browser. If you think about it, that makes sense: a browser has become an essential part of any operating system in use today. iApps are really supposed to be free or cheap useful-but-nonessential apps. At least, that's my interpretation
lol. The "i" in the original iMac stood for "internet." But now, everything is "i".... even if it has very little to do with the internet.... (such as iDVD)...
My machine's name has been Chimera for a couple of years now. I was annoyed by the sudden ambiguity of the name I had chosen first. Good, step off my machine's name. pheh. ;-)
I have some Chimera name ideas:

1. Obsoleta
2. Overratedo
3. Notsafari

Ignore me, just having some fun at poor Chimera's expense.
how about:
1. securitosupporto
2. cssenableda
3. crazytabby
4. muchofasto
5. or the great 'viewsallpagesaccurately'
crazytabby is good....that would be right up all these tabbed browsing people's alley...but seriously..I kind of like Voyager better than Camino (El Camino-like the car/truck hybrid?) and iVoyage.
I somehow have not seen Camino referred to as the planet on Starwars EpisodeII. It wasn't a great movie but that's where I make the first connection.
VOYAGER takes me back to the good ol' days...
fo the Amiga!

Voyager was (and maybe still is?) the standard browser on the Amiga, and the first one I used on my home system!

Fryke (and all former amigans, mainly from Europe), you should remeber that.... do you?
I switched several times:

Atari ST 1040stf
Amiga 2000
Atari MegaST 4
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 150

And the PB 150 was the first computer I've ever put on a modem line, so no browsing in my Amiga times. :)
I like Camino. It feels more unique. Voyager is just a synonym for all the other browser names. Why don't we just start a company called Macrosoft (probably exists already) and release Macrosoft Voyager. And I definitely agree with staying away from iNames. Let's leave those for Apple's iLife suite. But if Camino evokes images of a strange-looking car-truck, how about a name that captures the essence of using this most wonderful of all browsers...

1. Swoosh (or Swish)
2. Clarity
3. Lumen
4. Plug
5. Surge

Personally, I like #1. I can see the tag line now: 'Nothing by Net'
