The Incredible...
"you people who don't use tabs... you are just blind to how much better tabs are."
You people who don't use macs... you are just blind to how much better OS X is.
"A new window is completely horrible compared to a tab. What if you have 20 windows open? The only way to find your window is through a window menu. But how many windows can be in there before you have to scroll through a list?"
A new windows version is completely horrible compared to a OS X. What if you have 20 applications open? The only way to find your app is through a taskbar menu. But how many buttons can be in there before you have to scroll through a list?
"With tabs, you just instantly click on a tab, and the already rendered page is in there. It's easier to use times a billion."
With OS X, you just instantly click on Dock, and the already loaded app is there. It's easier to use times a billion.
"With chimera, you could have 20 windows open in the windows menu, each with 15 tabs. That's 300 accessible windows while safari could not even come close."
With OS X, you could have 20 apps open in the Dock, each with 15 windows. That's 300 accesible windows while Windows could not even come close.
"If you only go to one web site at a time and never do anything more complicated i guess it's useless, but even following a series of links is better in tabs."
If you only use one app at a time and never do anything more complicated I guess it's useless, but even using a series of apps is better in OS X.

Now, what if Safari in ver.1.0 will have those tabs? Is really a matter of Chimera VS Safari or just Safari not having tabs in general?
You people who don't use macs... you are just blind to how much better OS X is.
"A new window is completely horrible compared to a tab. What if you have 20 windows open? The only way to find your window is through a window menu. But how many windows can be in there before you have to scroll through a list?"
A new windows version is completely horrible compared to a OS X. What if you have 20 applications open? The only way to find your app is through a taskbar menu. But how many buttons can be in there before you have to scroll through a list?
"With tabs, you just instantly click on a tab, and the already rendered page is in there. It's easier to use times a billion."
With OS X, you just instantly click on Dock, and the already loaded app is there. It's easier to use times a billion.
"With chimera, you could have 20 windows open in the windows menu, each with 15 tabs. That's 300 accessible windows while safari could not even come close."
With OS X, you could have 20 apps open in the Dock, each with 15 windows. That's 300 accesible windows while Windows could not even come close.
"If you only go to one web site at a time and never do anything more complicated i guess it's useless, but even following a series of links is better in tabs."
If you only use one app at a time and never do anything more complicated I guess it's useless, but even using a series of apps is better in OS X.

Now, what if Safari in ver.1.0 will have those tabs? Is really a matter of Chimera VS Safari or just Safari not having tabs in general?