Chrome no longer saves passwords since Big Sur upgrade


Most of the time, I use Safari as my browser of choice. However, as you all know, there are times you need to use Chrome (like when developers haven't built a site that Safari can work in). However, since my upgrade to Big Sur Chrome can no longer save passwords. I've gone to numerous sites, and done all the "fixes" including the default resets, autofill, etc. I've read some of the fixes from 1, 2 and 4 years ago as well to see if there's any piece of info that may work.

I'm not a computer wiz, but if there is something I can find (like in the plist? maybe?) or something I could try in the Console or even automator (which I have no clue what that is), I'm fairly good at following directions.

Otherwise, it's the eight step process. Stop, open keychain, find the website, click the box to show password, enter my username, see the password, highlight the password, paste into Chrome. Thanks in advance.
Give this a try:
Quit Chrome
Go to: Home>Library>Preferences
Scroll for
Delete it, then empty the trash
Now start up Chrome
Question: Why do I have two LIBRARIES? One is Users/[homename]/Library and one is (I assume System as it's a folder)/Library. The first starts with:
Color Pickers

and the second starts with:
Application Support

I think I may have moved the [Home] Library over to the sidebar once. ?
PS I'm trying to attach a screen capture of the libraries but it won't save for some reason. sigh.
Maybe there's another option for you....
The last couple of years, when I encounter any kind of problems with Safari, often with passwords/logins, I will usually be successful with Microsoft Edge - which is based on Chrome, but has a different "look and feel" to it. I probably use Edge more often than Firefox.
Maybe there's another option for you....
The last couple of years, when I encounter any kind of problems with Safari, often with passwords/logins, I will usually be successful with Microsoft Edge - which is based on Chrome, but has a different "look and feel" to it. I probably use Edge more often than Firefox.
No problem with Safari or Firefox saving passwords. Just Chrome. Thanks anyway, but I'll look at Edge.
No problem with Safari or Firefox saving passwords. Just Chrome. Thanks anyway, but I'll look at Edge.
Just wanted to let you know: I downloaded the Edge and I have it as a backup/sort of use every now and then. It is pretty clean. Lots of customizing available. I have chrome still on the computer, but haven't used it since we discussed this and haven't missed it at all. The only issue is I can't get my Safari passwords into the Edge. Otherwise, I'd probably use it more often. It's having to build the "auto save" one by one. And I don't have a clue as to how to do it.
I came to believe that Chrome was closer to a virus than a browser. It seems to stick its nose everywhere.

I use Safari and Brave if I need a second opinion about a web site.
Don't now Brave. Will check it out. I don't use Chrome anymore unless I'm checking something for a client re: ads or something and I need to see it "in the raw."
Don't now Brave.

Am I daft or is that a typo?

Slightly OT: I am having trouble with Safari showing images - specifically on commerce sites like Home Depot or Menards. I'm wondering what setting I am missing. When I send feedback to the site, I am told to use Chrome.
I think its a typo. "Don't know Brave".

"Everyone" suggestions Chrome because "all developers" use it -- at least that's the belief. But... its not true.

Safari did introduce some new privacy things that caused Facebook's stock to "plummet" (proving that Apple can't be all bad :-) Go read this reddit thread about an issue with
I checked it out and I don't have the NSURL listed in my Experimental Features. :(
I've had several places suggest switching to chrome when their @#$% web site doesn't work.
Me Too ! That is because they are too lazy to make sure their web site works on all platforms and browsers.
I gave up months ago. I recently purchased a writing/editing program and was really pissed I had to reinstall Chrome, just to be able to download the program. Then I had to find where it was hidden (Chrome. App. Files. Bull) or some crap; then once downloaded I used AppZapper to remove it again. If you haven't looked at it recently, the browser is even MORE ANNOYING then it was about six months ago. Great if you're a tween and are using it for the first time and don't know any better. There are so many awesome features you can spend the entire day just trying to just get on line. But, they are up with the times: DELETING anything is still the most difficult thing to do on all tech.