Classic doesn't start at all! :(

Check your OS 9 System Folder for these items:
Classic Support
Classic Support UI

If you don't have them let me know.
Yup, I have them. I tried moving them to the desktop and launching Classic - no dice.

How do I find out/change the creator/type of the file:
Here's something promising:

When I look at Classic, Classic Support & Classic UI in my current 'System' folder, they have no icons, but there are three other files named
._Classic Support
._Classic Support UI

In the equivalent location in my 'Previous System' folder, Classic, Classic Support & Classic Support UI have proper 'smiley mac' icons, and the three ._ files aren't there.

What's up?
I think I've solved it. I reinstalled 10.2 from the CDs onto an external Firewire drive. I looked inside the Classic Startup package and the three 'Classic ...' files had icons, and no '._Classic...' files. I fired up Classic and it told me it needed to update some OS9 resources (instead of telling me it couldn't update them because they were corrupt). Classic has started up fine.

Here's what I think caused it. I went straight from 10.1.5 to 10.2.3 installing 10.2 from the CDs then updating immediately to 10.2.3 via the combo update. I didn't try to launch Classic until *after* I'd updated - and it looks like the three files in 10.2.3 that Classic Startup adds to the OS9 system folder are corrupted in some way. Most folks will have launched Classic some time before installing the 10.2.3 update. Or something like that.

Lara said: "Before with OSX.1.5 it was fine" - did you go straight to 10.2.3?

I'm going to reboot to the main HD now and check that Classic works from there. If so I'll post the three 'Classic...' files to my web site.
Got it!

I found this thread on Apple's site:

It seems various people have had similar problems (with a few variations) basically being that the 'Classic' package doesn't get installed correctly sometimes.

The solution is to reinstall the package. To do this you'll need two things:

1. A copy of 'Pacifist', a package extractor/installer from

2. A copy of the 10.2.3 updater disk image (combo or normal) from Apple:

Mount the disk image - it will contain a package called 'MacOSXUpdate10.2.3.pkg'.

Launch Pacifist, open the package. Navigate to:
Package Contents/System/Library/CoreServices/Classic Startup.up

Click 'Install'

That's it! Next time you launch Classic you'll get the 'Need to update Classic resources' message, it'll copy the 'Classic...' files into the OS 9 'System Folder' and everything should be fine. Worked for me anyhow!
also ,it'd be wise to do a clean install of OS X when moving from 10.2.x to 10.2.x -> back up your home folder and all other stuff you wish to keep safe...
Lara here again...
I've re-installed OSX.2 (remember I took out the 3 Classic files out previously, and now they are still not there) installed OSX.2.3, followed John's instructions, with the Pacifist applicaz. (tried first with installing the startup applicaz. just as update, but the errore message was still coming up, then tried with the Replace function, from Pacifist.....and now if I try to start up classic it doesn't even attempt to....:(( I missing those 3 files? do I need them?
thank U very much :)
i put back in the preferences the 3 Classic files 9the same ones I had which probably could be corrupted), but nothing...and now, as I mentioned before, after having followed john's suggestion, Classic doesn't eve attempt to start up....nothing happens at all, no error messages, nothing! :(
When you originally formatted your hard drive, did you select HFS +?
HFS standard will not work, and neither does the other selection - which escapes me right now. For Classic to work, you need to format the drive with HFS Plus.
I tried to install classic after installing 10.2.3, but it won't let me boot off the 9.2 cd. Any suggestions?
Did you try holding the C key? Or insert the cd, go to the startup panel and select the cd from there.
Here I am,
finally!!!! I mean: i solved my problem! I've done a clean install of Jaguar and surprise surprise, Classic is working!! Thank U very much to every one in here, for your help and suggestions.