Classic in Jaguar...

When Jagwyre arrives, will you ditch Classic forever?

  • Undoubtedly!

  • Soon, just gotta get that last annoying app Carbonised!

  • Not for the foreseable future.

  • What, OS9 is out already?

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Re: member
Okay, we are all gonna rush out a grab a copy of Jaguar on the 24th; how many of you are gonna ditch Classic?
Just to get the ball rolling... Undoubtedly, ordered my copy of MYOB for OSX today, so goodbye Classic, was nice knowing you!:D
i did not vote in the pole, but my response would be that i don't use classic for anything but photoshop and the occassional rogue spear game. so basically i will have to keep some type of os 9, at least for awhile.
I have not booted in OS 9 or launched Classic in months. As far as I am concerned, OS 9 is over already.

If I get a new application and it tries to launch the Classic mode, I stop it and look for another, which does the same but in MacOSX.

Every developer out there should be keenly aware of this: if you have not moved your app to Mac OS 9 by now, you're dead (did someone say: "Quark, Quark" ?!)...

My $0.02
Once PS7 and Studio MX were released, OS 9 was an endangered species on my Macs. It's currently residing on my new PBG4/800, but that's only due to my laziness in removing it. I'm waiting for my copy of Jaguar, at which point I will back up all my data, format the drive, install Jaguar, and not give a second thought to not having OS 9 on my HD.

Really, there are a few groups of users who still need 9.

1- Print shops/designers who are forced to use Quark Xpress. Like it or not, even when Xpress6 ships next year with OS X compatability, many print shops will not upgrade. I know of a couple of shops that just recently got Xpress 4.1. This group is slow to upgrade, and sticks with what works for them, regardless of the benefits of hardware/software upgrade. These people will still be using OS 9 10 years from now...

2-ProTools users (and other Midi/Audio apps). While audio apps are starting to migrate to X (Reason, Unity, Peak, Deck are all available) - the big boys are still nowhere to be found. Digidesign says that ProTools will be available for OS X later this year - although they don't say which flavor (LE? Full?). Cubase is rumored to be coming, but who knows when. Logic will be here soon, especially since Apple acquired eMagic 2 months ago.

3-Those who just don't have the cash to sink in to software and hardware for the OS X ugprade.
Printers are a breed apart! As you said (maybe not in 10 yrs time... the'll get into OSX 10.1 by then;) )... they will still be using OS9, Illustrator 9, Quark 4, and not even bother with InDesign!

However, they seem dead keen on getting the latest Mac hardware though!
I'm running Jaguar now and love it! I don't mind if some of my progs have to open Classic because it's been greatly improved, the integration is almost seamless.
So I don't think ditching classic is an option for me, it'll be a slower process. For the first time with OSX, I now feel that I no longer need to boot in to OS9 because everything works just fine. I think I'll let my transistion be more organic than concious and ride the wave that leads to full native.

Strata studio pro

These are the programs that chain me to the Classic, and i dont doubt the will continou to do so for the rest of the millenia :D (they are expensive programs and i'm to squeemish to pirate, so i stick with the ones i got honest bought versions of). :o But most of the days get by without having to open any of above mentioned programs, and when i do, the only thing that bothers me is the Save/open dialog.:cool:
By the way (dont know if this is the place)... Do any of you guys (and girls?) know wich version of photoshop that starts supporting the G4 Altivec 128 gizmo? :confused:
Im running 5.0, but it would probabley have to be something like 6.0, ey?

happy for answer
maybe I won't use classic any more if 10.2 finally fixes Java support.
The Internet banking applet that my bank uses does not work in OS X. Doesn't matter what browser I use, so I think it is the OS, not the browser.

And Java is still dogslow. Although Apple said Java would be great in OS X.
They plainly lied, I would say. We should sue them... :mad:

I am a little bitter here, I know, but it was OS X and the promised great Java support that made me buy a Mac in the first place, cause I am a Java developer.
I pretty much ditched classic a while ago. the only thing I used it for was Adobe pagemill (came with my imac 350 :p) and I stopped using that cuz it was crappy.
Last time I booted into classic was a couple of days ago to try a game. Before that, though, I was living well without it for around three months. I think I'm ready to ditch it now, and when Jaguar's out, there's no doubt I will. :D
i wont be for a while, still need 9 for photoshop (3 if anyone wants to sell me 7 for less than a tenner feel free), networking (X is very slow with 7.5) and PGA tour golf (damn cheating game)
I have PS6, and would like to get the upgrade for 7, but don't have the money.:(

Anyway, what happens if Adobe comes out with another upgrade while I'm saving money? Can you upgrade any version of PS with a current upgrade cd? Is the installer replacing certain files, or is it just a full version that looks for a correct serial number?

Thanks, and sorry for the OT.

I would hope so, since i have yet to get PS7 for speed reasons, PS6.1 is much faster when it comes to getting things done on a deadline. Files open faster and effects are faster, if Jag fixes that difference i will be all X except for burning CD's. QUE does not support X fully with their USB line which is a pain in the.... So i don't see myself not using Classic unless Jag is super fast or as fast. Classic seems to up my work progress by 40% comapred to X, and i still keep trying to work in X with Ill 10, MX, and Golive to name a few. I will use X a lot but when I have a lot of work, i can't sit around not being productive, so i have to boot into 9.
Originally posted by Tigger
... Java is still dogslow. Although Apple said Java would be great in OS X.
They plainly lied, I would say. We should sue them... :mad:

I am a little bitter here, I know, but it was OS X and the promised great Java support that made me buy a Mac in the first place, cause I am a Java developer.

I beg to differ Trigger... At the end of last year we were doing algorithim analysis
(stage 1 Computer Science). I ran exactly the same code at home on my iMac 400 under X and at university using windaz 2000 on a P3 800Mhz. My computer was four times as fast. So thats 8 times as fast (in MHz).

While i agree the GUI could do with bit of a speed boost, the underlying foundation of java on X is pretty quick.

here is a snippet from my analysis (the program reverses a Singly Linked List)

G3 400: Time for reverse() method with 4000 items in list: 721ms
P3 800: Time for reverse() method with 4000 items in list: 3245ms

that is a significant speed advantage over windaz 2000
Okay, where seem to be some things that are really fast on X. Didn't knew that.
I did a test with a Quicksort algorithm back in 10.0 and with Mac OS 9.1
10 wasn't a bit faster than 9.2, I would have to check again if Quicksort has become faster now.

But anyway, any Java program I used since 10.0 doesn't seem to have gotten any speed boost.
And at least Applets are really bad. I sometimes use a java telnet applet on one site, and this takes so long to start, I could fall asleep...