Classic wont start in OSX


I wonder if any one can help me. I have a G4 733Mhz tower running OSX 10.2.8. in one partition and OS 9.2.2 in another partition. I had a crash in classic when running illustrator 9. Now Classic wont start up. It starts to load goes all the way through the boot sequence and gets right to the end of the blue line and just stays near the end. I have tried zapping the pram.Starting in single user and doing fsck report that the disk is ok. I can restart the Mac in OS9 and it runs no problem.

Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be.


Darren Coutts
Try booting your machine in OS 9 instead of OS X and see if any error messages pop up when you boot. I've had an extension conflict halt the progress of starting Classic, but booting into OS 9 brought the error message to my attention which I could then dismiss. After a successful OS 9 boot, I could launch Classic again from within OS X.
dazcoutts said:
I wonder if any one can help me. I have a G4 733Mhz tower running OSX 10.2.8. in one partition and OS 9.2.2 in another partition. I had a crash in classic when running illustrator 9. Now Classic wont start up. It starts to load goes all the way through the boot sequence and gets right to the end of the blue line and just stays near the end. I have tried zapping the pram.Starting in single user and doing fsck report that the disk is ok. I can restart the Mac in OS9 and it runs no problem.

Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be.


Darren Coutts

Try Pacifist, grab a new classic folder from a x install disk and swap it out.
kenandles said:
Try Pacifist, grab a new classic folder from a x install disk and swap it out.
Being that the "Classic folder" is really an installation of OS 9, I don't think this will work, since OS 9 usually doesn't come on OS X install discs.
arden said:
Being that the "Classic folder" is really an installation of OS 9, I don't think this will work, since OS 9 usually doesn't come on OS X install discs.

I should have said it better, you want the "Classic Startup" Mac OS X has a classic startup folder in it