Cleaning iBook, iKlean etc. merged thread

I use isopropyl alcohol on my ibook plastic once a week, and have done for the past 6 months in owning it.

I woudln't do it on the LCD or keys, thats just stupid - but it is fine on the plastics - has never harmed them whatsoever.
Thanks, folks, for all the replies. I think I'll give the isopropyl alcohol a shot--just on the plastic on either side of the trackpad mouse. Even though Apple says not to. Then again, they probably just say that so everyone will buy that "special" cleaner sold at the Apple store. lol
Here's my post from a previous thread regarding screen and case cleaners:

"I've always used the "house brand" spray screen cleaners found at chain office supply stores (Staples, Office Depot) on all my Powerbooks over the years and have never had any problems. I've found those spray cleaners to be extremely efficient.
I've also been using their spray cleaners (called "Multipurpose Antistatic Cleaner" at Staples) on the none screen parts of my Powerbooks; it cleans beautifully and neither this spray nor the screen cleaning spray has ever caused any damage to screen, case or keys. And I've always cleaned both screen and case at least once a week without fail.
I just don't see any reason to use the "fancy schmantzy" specialized name brand cleaners, with their rip-off prices."

I stand firmly behind it!
I've tried two different brands of cleaners for laptops. They both came in cleaning wipe form in a container in which you pull out the wipes like baby wipes or Kleenex. Anyway, neither one worked. One was Fellowes brand; the other was Kensington. They both left streaks on the screen and didn't budge the smudges on the plastic on either side of the trackpad mouse. For the screen, I prefer a lint-free cloth dampened with H2O. Guess I'll try the isopropyl alcohol trick for the plastic. Can't be the price, that's for sure.
OK, after asking around, many of you recommended isopropyl alcohol for cleaning the smudges off the plastic hand rests on either side of the trackpad mouse. I've tried various brands of cleaning wipes, which are supposedly made for this purpose, and they don't work. I finally broke down and put some rubbing alcohol on a Q-tip. And I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed. STILL not budging!

Any other nifty ideas? :D
I thought you already _had_ a thread about this? ... Ah, yes. Found it. Merging.
While searching for the thread to merge it with, I found _yet_ another thread about it by you, Amie, and merged that one into it, as well. Gosh. Please stay with this one now. ;)
My gut feeling tells me that the smudges are now an integral part of your iBook, and are the result of a chemical change in the plastic caused by the repeated assault of sweat, body oils and acids.
Just view the smudges as permanent hickies which you worked very hard, through passionate diligence, to impart upon your beloved iBook.
I think that the key to maintaining an umblemished finish
is to clean the wrist areas regularly, at least twice a week, from the very beginning of 'Book ownership and use.
Installing a protective covering onto the wrist areas of one's 'Book while those areas are still pristine is one's best bet.
I thought you already _had_ a thread about this? ... Ah, yes. Found it. Merging.
While searching for the thread to merge it with, I found _yet_ another thread about it by you, Amie, and merged that one into it, as well. Gosh. Please stay with this one now. ;)

Well, that's no fun. I have to keep mods like you on your toes. ;)
My gut feeling tells me that the smudges are now an integral part of your iBook, and are the result of a chemical change in the plastic caused by the repeated assault of sweat, body oils and acids.
Just view the smudges as permanent hickies which you worked very hard, through passionate diligence, to impart upon your beloved iBook.
Oh ... lovely.

I think that the key to maintaining an umblemished finish
is to clean the wrist areas regularly, at least twice a week, from the very beginning of 'Book ownership and use.
See, that's what I don't understand. I'm extremely anal about my iBook and have cleaned it religiously once or twice a week since I've owned it. That's why I can't figure out why the smudges are there. Honestly? I don't think it has anything to do with cleaning. I think the "smudges" are not really smudges at all but are areas where the finish has actually worn off.

Installing a protective covering onto the wrist areas of one's 'Book while those areas are still pristine is one's best bet.

I checked into a protective cover that fits over the entire iBook interior, but it really slows down typing (I'm a very fast typer) and feels bulky and gawky and just really messed up. Never see a protective covering that goes over only the hand rests.
cooling pads would be nice as well... :) Although, I guess with the new MacBook's magnetic mechanism, you couldn't really have anything on the wrist-rest part of the MacBook when closing it.
Amie said:
See, that's what I don't understand. I'm extremely anal about my iBook and have cleaned it religiously once or twice a week since I've owned it. That's why I can't figure out why the smudges are there.

If you've been using only water, most of the time, as your cleaning solvent of choice for your iBook's wrist areas, it might be that water, alone, just can't completely remove all of the oils and acids and after each cleaning some residue remains, only to eventually cause the chemical change and resultant discoloration.
If you've been using only water, most of the time, as your cleaning solvent of choice for your iBook's wrist areas, it might be that water, alone, just can't completely remove all of the oils and acids and after each cleaning some residue remains, only to eventually cause the chemical change and resultant discoloration.

I think you're right. That makes perfect sense. Unfortunately. Ah well, like someone said earlier, I'll just consider them hickies on my beloved Mac. :)
i think you need to read up a little more bout it...

Look in the Do's section

OK, I just read the entire article, including the links from that page. And I didn't learn a darn thing. Same as Apple always say: "WARNING: Do not use acetone, alcohol, or any alcohol-based cleaner on your computer." And: "For LCD screens: Use a lint-free cloth dampened with water only."
Use a damp, soft, lint-free cloth with mild non-abrasive soap or detergent. It is also safe to use isopropyl alcohol and iKlear. Remove any surface dirt gently with your bare hand before proceeding with cleaner and cloth. After washing, dry the plastic with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Straight from Apple.
The top case is made of the same material as the lcd housing case. It just has a matte finish not a gloss.
I clean dozens of ibooks a day and have never had a problem with ispopropyl...

Not that i really care. You can think what you want really - but i've done the exams, have you?
The top case is made of the same material as the lcd housing case. It just has a matte finish not a gloss.
I clean dozens of ibooks a day and have never had a problem with ispopropyl...

Not that i really care. You can think what you want really - but i've done the exams, have you?

Well, I'm pretty sure that Apple has. And I'm just telling you what Apple says. And Apple says do NOT use anything that contains those elements on the INSIDE of your computer ... only for the OUTSIDE.