
P.S. Putting the Date on there does make the clock go away, so will leave the date off :)

Do we need that Spot light search, or can I trash that??

Oh and I notice that clicking on those 3 horizontal lines UPPER right corner, gives me also the DATE as well as an analog clock. This dinosaur does prefer an analog clock, watch, etc.
( I put up my hand for a high five)
You might even consider a larger screen... I use a 23-inch Dell monitor on my mini. You might find that a good balance of size for your use - not too big, yet you can use display settings to take advantage of the extra screen space (without inadvertantly losing screen elements). Works for me.
Or, you can ignore my opinions. Everybody else does, why should you be any different? :rolleyes:
Sounds like you are starting to get that Mac figured out...

Does your band play for pay?
20" monitor is the largest for this space, on top of my video cabinet that holds all my DVDs, blu rays, OLD VHS tapes, etc. To the right of that is my 42" flat screen. As my Wife says, with all the blinking lights at night, already looks like a control center, and now my HUGE AT&T Uverse modem/router was added on Monday. The following PIC is a PIC of my set up while the old desktop was still here, but the Mac Mini took its' place, also the flatscreen now sits where that old CRT TV sat, but of course on not in a stand. And yes our band will paly again for some money. The last gig we actually played was Jan 1 2006, our biggest payday, but we broke up (Because of our singer basically), reuniting last spring, but recently lost that singer, whose Wife forced him to quit, too many personal issues, too much drinking, weed, two of them. But we just hired on a great awesome new singer, so maybe in 6 months. Well now time for some TV>>>>Adios PC_TV_LBB Setup.jpg
Ah, Life is good...
I'm on this site a lot, so if you have any other needs...

I have my own musical interests. Been singing with an a capella group (barbershop harmony) for almost 35 years. Plus others, keyboard/piano, etc.
I live within a 5 minute walk of the location for the FireFly Festival, mostly indie stuff, some well-known groups each year, held each summer for the last 5 years.
More than 100 bands, over 4 days, near 100,000 people.
Living almost on the property, I get free passes (I was here first!). Not always music that I enjoy, but an interesting event, nonetheless.
Also 15 minute walk to the local Nascar track, but that's a completely different story...
Hey - have a great rest-of-your-weekend!
Ah, Life is good...
I'm on this site a lot, so if you have any other needs...

I have my own musical interests. Been singing with an a capella group (barbershop harmony) for almost 35 years. Plus others, keyboard/piano, etc.
I live within a 5 minute walk of the location for the FireFly Festival, mostly indie stuff, some well-known groups each year, held each summer for the last 5 years.
More than 100 bands, over 4 days, near 100,000 people.
Living almost on the property, I get free passes (I was here first!). Not always music that I enjoy, but an interesting event, nonetheless.
Also 15 minute walk to the local Nascar track, but that's a completely different story...
Hey - have a great rest-of-your-weekend!

Interesting. Yeah life is good. Been playing drums for 57 yrs. since my very first elementary school lesson at the age of 10.

Anyway, grabbed my Wife's IPhone and took a shot of what this area looks like today, also that big screen is also connected to the MAC, so I can use that too as a slight larger monitor if I am not watching anything, but at this moment as I am typing I have Sirius XM, Classic Jazz playing over it, DishNet channel 6067>>


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Clock is gone again on the CHROME Menu Bar and I have no idea why. Checked the setting and DATE is NOT checked, and not any extra stuff put back like SIRI. Also on display, set it back to, "Default," but no Difference. Well I can always click on those three horizontal DooHickies >>LOL>>to see the time & date :-). By the way That Desktop background PIC, my favorite PIC on the entire planet, was taken by my son during my BabyBoy, Buster's final trip to Pismo Beach, Cal, Oct 2015. He and I had fallen asleep taking a nap, him using my arm as his pillow. On Apr 25 2016, 3+ months short of his 17th yr. MY very best friend had to be put sleep, and it still hurts like HELL>>>?SIGH

Screen Shot 2017-01-29 at 7.22.58 PM.png
OK, playing around with stuff up there and got it back, but afraid to lose one I'll need so being careful since I have no idea where some of them may be located to get them back>>LOL

Well OFFLINE, some TV before bedtime>>>Later y'all>>>Bye
Well as usual Chromebook time of day (I'm slightly OCD, A LOT my Wife would say>>LOL), but before going to bed last night on my MAC, I removed THE date, and will leave it removed, due to the fact that I realized, down in the DOCK, is a CALENDAR, with the days date :-).

By the way, a little OT here. Awhile ago, when the show, "Monk," (Google that) was on the USA Channel, I loved it, even have a bunch of hardcover, "Monk," books. Anyway, I'd try to get my Son & Daughter In Law to watch that show. My D.I.L would say, "Why, we already have YOU.">>LOL LOL :-).

Have a great day y'all, lurkers too :-)