"And yes, it is changing, but not really back and forth, as I have to manually go into the control panel and click on display to get it back to normal. But that's all. I don't even go into the settings and change it back, just clicking on display (in System Preferences) will bring the colors back. Its not "Blue" as in the appearance settings. The photo I've attached doesn't show the color, but it was showing when I took it with 'Grab'. "
I see. Well of course you can't capture the behavior of your monitor with Grab; the Color Profile is like Brightness/Contrast in that respect.
Anyway, FWIW, while I haven't a clue as to what exactly is causing your Mac to lose its settings, but I been having similar and perhaps related problems on my machine. I use a bunch of Unsanity's haxies, mostly to little ill effect on my system. However, Xounds tends to quit out on me seemingly at random. Just installed a new keyboard with its own volume controls, and find that those quit out at the same time as Xounds. I can get Xounds back to life by disabling it and fiddling around with its preference pane before re-enabling, but I can't get my keyboard's volume controls back to life without a reboot.
Next time I do reboot though, think I'll try temporarily disabling APE first.
Hope you get your Display Profiles to behave!