
Captain Code

Staff member
Is there any way to make the thing that pops up when you press Command+Tab smaller?

It's quite large, although it makes the icons look really good.
No. Command-tab. The app-switcher. It shrinks if you have more open apps. :p ... I hope there'll be a user-preference, but it doesn't seem so right now. I've been searching & clicking, too. To no avail. Is there a _name_ for the thing? Is it an application, like the Dock?
In Jaguar, instead of scrolling through dock icons when you press command + tab, it shows what looks like a horitontal "mini dock" in the middle of the desktop that you cycle through.
What software are you using to present that small dock? All mine does is cycle through the icons on the Dock!
I missed the forum title - my mistake - I just scan through recent posts, and should have seen Panther in title. Maybe you'll be able to resize in the public release Panther??:)
Hmm, sounds to me like they reimplemented the tab switching that OS 9 has. Maybe people wrote in wanting it.

Is it really that bad? Or just annoying?
Yeah, it's in Panther only. Check out the screen shot attached.

That was taken at 1024x768 and is full size.

It's not that bad, I just wish it was a bit smaller on the screen.

I don't believe OS 9 ever had anything like this. You could CMD+tab through apps, but nothing would come up. Jaguar you could CMD+tab but it would cycle through the dock. Now you get this thing attached pop up.


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