Complete ripoff of iPod Shuffle

Ceroc Addict said:
Yeah, that's pretty freaky. :)

Makes you wonder why Apple didn't just include an FM tuner themselves in the first place though...

I guess it be pretty hard to tune into your favorite station without a display.
But then perhaps a few small LEDs will flash you the station in binary. :D
That is just a blatant outrage. Why not just make iMacs and call them super Macs, or VW Minis and call them Super Minis. It really pi$$es me off.
JetwingX said:
you guys are 4 days late on this.... learn to search please ^^
Err, by that, do you mean me too? I was just posting a link to the original thread elsewhere.
I saw this on MacWorld (UK) today:

MacWorld (UK) said:
CeBIT show stealer, the Super Shuffle, was no more than a publicity stunt, according to DV Forge's Jack Campbell.

Campbell told Engadget that he contacted LuxPro, the company behind the iPod shuffle clone that premiered at the CeBIT technology show, and learned that the company has no intention to create the Super Shuffle.

Instead LuxPro was using the publicity around the iPod shuffle to help it win new business.

The company is a contract manufacturer that sells circuitry that is put into enclosures designed by US or European resellers. The Super Shuffle was no more than a stunt that aimed to take advantage of the publicity surrounding the iPod shuffle, explained Cambell.

The publicity must have worked because in addition to DV Forge two other companies got in touch with LuxPro and they will be working with the company. Cambell's company will not be working with LuxPro however, writes Engadget.

Cambell writes: "This was not a prank, nor was it an act of blind stupidity. In my view, it was one of the most clever PR manoeuvres I have ever seen executed by a small company."

So, is this a climbdown and an attempt to save face? Or was it genuinely all a stunt to begin with? :confused: