Computer Engrish


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This is from one of my fave sites, – just to remind me why I hate PCs!


Anyone got any good Mac error messages?
OK, it's not a Mac-based error message, but this did amuse me when it came up on a PC at work:

I love Haven't been there in a while though but I think you've started somethint here CQ....maybe an image association thread? Or would that already be covered by the image association thread from earlier?
My favourite dialog box is from an in-house Windows app we use at my work. If you select "Cancel" on a task, it comes up with "Are you sure you want to cancel? [OK] [Cancel]". Guess which one you should click if you want to Cancel? :p

Anyone who uses Lotus Notes will be familiar with the dialog box that comes up if you try to exit with a dialog open: "You cannot close Notes because another dialog is active. Switch to the other dialog, close it, and then come back to this dialog box and click OK". Wow, thats user friendly, NOT!
Reminds me of a joke a programmer put into some game I've used to play in Mac OS 8.1 or 8.5, don't remember. Back then, there were quite a few errors that read "unimplemented trap", meaning something developerish. The game had a button for setting up keyboard/mouse etc. and if you clicked it, an error message came up reading "unimplemented crap". Maybe it wasn't the keyboard thing. Something else. Either way: It was way funny, because back then you were used to reading "unimplemented trap" error messages, and once you noticed this was different, you just had to laugh... :)
Great site, I send many funny things to my friends (Franco-Japanese) in Osaka.