Computer Names

Do you name your computers/hard drives?

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  • No-It's Macintosh HD for me.

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my OS X partition: x
my OS 9 partition : sys
my 3rd partition: stuff
my sound disk (external): snd

why? i work in the shell a lot and i like path names as short as possible.

my machine is snowcat (if you are korean you might know why)

my past (NeXT) machines were onyx, shadow, raven (cause they were black)

my last mac was a budget clone so i called it tico (cheap car in korea)

others i have named: pixie, otto, bink, ...

so i go for short if possible, no spaces (ughh!)

Another revival? ;)

Lo Zen and its hard disk is Tao.
iPod = iChing.

The ex .. peecee was La Kalsa. :)
These "dead" threads suddenly returning to life are freaking me out... :)

But I'll play:

ein - 5GB ipod
slim - TiBook 800 - my main machine
slick - iBook (DualUSB 500) - sold to a new switcher friend... :)
turlingdrome - G4/500 sshtunnel server/was my main machine
Marvin (G3/600 SE/DV iMac) - Bedroom MP3 player/Bluetooth access gateway
gossamer - G3/300 (beige) - web/php server on Darwin 6.3 (Jag with graphics services disabled, running headless)
propaganda - crappy old Vaio notebook (p2/366)
sony - Linux 2.2 dhcp/dns/mysql/file server (a p/233 Vaio - 1st gen)
sunny - Sun Ultra10 WS (440 UltraSparcII)
Lizard - WinXP (P3/650) - used to be gaming machine, now just for VPN access to work.
Navi - 20th Anniversary Mac (w/ G3/400 upgrade card. No MacOSX, sadly :( )
sol - Linux 2.2 (p/120) router/nat/firewall
has - Linux 2.2 - (p/120 - Toshiba Libretto) - X10 lighting controller
jellybean - Blueberry iMac (266)
nologic - Quadra 650 (68040/40) running FreeBSD
gump - Quadra 950 (68040/40) - AWS (System7)

Of course, not all of these are in active service, but were at one time or another.
TiBook = Gray Hulk
TiBook's HD = TiBook HD (so NOT original, I know :o )
Amiga 500 = Love
Old AMD K6-2 = Old CowLinux
Old AMD 486 = Dead Uncle
Others = RIP

Future G970 = Savage Hulk :D
Computer name - Fire
OSX partition - Jaguar
OS9 partition - Classic

Computer was originally called "Fire Fire..." in memory of Steve Jackson's poem in his first Fighting Fantasy books ;)
Then it was called "Fire" to simplify it all. Jimi Hendrix song, maybe ? :)
current machine (G4/450 Sawtooth)
Computer name & OS X drive: Dreamstatic
OS 9 drive: Dreamscape

iPod: Darkfire

older machines (that I don't own anymore)
PB G3 (Wallstreet): Darkheaven
PB 190cs: Dreamfinder

Hmm...I had a Performa also, but I can't remember what I named it anymore. 'Twas a while back.
Heh, nice to see one of my old threads rise up from the dead.

And yes, their names are still U.E.S.C. Marathon and Lady Luck.. no change there. :D
Originally posted by macguy17
Heh, nice to see one of my old threads rise up from the dead.

And yes, their names are still U.E.S.C. Marathon and Lady Luck.. no change there. :D

...well, cute! Not dead ;)

A few computers back (I think it was a beige G3) I started with "Fred*."

The G4 tower is SuperFred*.

The PowerBook was PortaFred*.

My TiBook, with its 1Ghz processor and a gig of Ram, is, of course, GigaFred*.

The XServe box we just installed at the office is TeraFred*.

All my computers will always be named with version of Fred*.

* Fred = F****ing Ridiculous Electronic Device
iMac G5:
Earth Dome

PowerBook G4:
Babylon 5

I guess you can see why they're called that way... :)

Before that my iMac was called Final Fantasy
HomunQlus: thread re-animator extrordinaire! In fact, i this one has been defibrillated a bunch of times, maybe it needs a content transplant ;)

mien are dull, orapb and oravault
RacerX said:
My current list of named systems:
  • Euclid (Mac OS X)
  • Milnor (Rhapsody 5.6)
  • Fermi (Mac OS 8.6)
  • Riemann (Rhapsody 5.1)
  • Feynman (Rhapsody 5.1)
  • Bonnet (A/UX 3.0.1)
  • Gauss (IRIX 6.2)
  • Morse (IRIX 5.3)
  • Euler (IRIX 5.3)
  • Archimedes (Solaris 7)
  • SAL 9000 (Mac OS 8.1)
  • HAL 9000 (Mac OS 8.1)
  • Panda (Mac OS 8.1)
Wow... old thread.

Well, my list has changed a little...
  • Euclid (Mac OS X)
  • Milnor (Mac OS X)
  • Fermi (Mac OS 8.6)
  • -Riemann (retired to storage)-
  • Feynman (Rhapsody 5.1)
  • Bonnet (A/UX 3.0.1)
  • Gauss (IRIX 6.2)
  • Morse (IRIX 5.3)
  • Euler (IRIX 5.3)
  • Archimedes (Solaris 7)
  • -SAL 9000 (retired to storage)-
  • HAL 9000 (Mac OS 8.1)
  • -Panda (retired to storage)-
  • Phillips (Mac OS 8.6)
  • Ricci (Rhapsody 5.6)
  • Maric (Mac OS X)
Quagmire and Cleveland.

my brother, the bastard nicked the best ones for his - Coruscant, Endor, Tatooine, and his iRiver is call the Falcon.... bastard
Father_Ted for powermac g5, Dougal for powermac g4 and Father_Jack for almost retired powerbook g4. If anyone cares, the names are taken from a sitcom based on the lives of three priests living off the west coast of Ireland called Father Ted. Check out this Have a look at the fifth clip from the top. Father Jack sobers up for the first time in 20 years!
My old Ruby iMac was named Mars, for its color. Its disk was originally named Mars, and as an icon, I had a picture of Sailor Mars (from the anime series Sailor Moon). When I made an OS X partition for it, I named that one Mercury, again using a Sailor Moon-themed icon.

Then I partitioned it yet again, and renamed them to Canal, Nukunuku, and Chii, after three computer/android/hologram characters from various anime series.

My Mac mini is named Lavie, just because I liked the name. My sole partition is named Lavie, and its icon is of a character named Lavie from another anime series, Last Exile.

My family's old Performa 475 was named Tasha. The hard disk was always Macintosh HD, though. Our Power Mac 9600 (still in daily use) never really got an official name. Its icon is a custom one I created to look like the PM 9600. Pretty nice, if I do say so myself.
My eMac's called 'eMac' and my G3's called, wait for it, 'PowerMacintosh G3'.

Sometimes i'm so cool I scare myself.