Lt Major Burns "Dicky" Charlteston-Burns May 10, 2005 #61 i fell off my chair reading that ziess. you are just LIVING ON A KNIFE-EDGE!
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) May 10, 2005 #62 Lt Major Burns said: i fell off my chair reading that ziess. you are just LIVING ON A KNIFE-EDGE! Click to expand... Great great band, Burns. Thank you for bringing back the thought of those songs. You are so THE SAGE.
Lt Major Burns said: i fell off my chair reading that ziess. you are just LIVING ON A KNIFE-EDGE! Click to expand... Great great band, Burns. Thank you for bringing back the thought of those songs. You are so THE SAGE.
JPigford I'm awesome...seriously.. May 10, 2005 #63 The ole G5 is aptly named "Freakin Yeah" and my iPod's name is "Tina"...after a friendly llama.