Congrats to Bluefusion!!!

Originally posted by Bluefusion
Not of the original Marathon, no... but couldn't someone port the original maps to Aleph One when it's Carbon? Would this work? Do we have access to those maps or not?

No porting is needed for the maps. Aleph One is still Marathon.
Originally posted by Bluefusion
But wait, it still needs the map files, right? IE it doesn't read native Marathon 1 maps, does it?

IE ? Do you mean Aleph ONe? They are making an Aleph One version for Marathon 1. Yes... you still need the map files:) but they work just fine. Maps are still made in Forge. But some people are working on new map building programs to take advantage of the Aleph One stuff. like floating polygons for example.
Ahh, that makes more sense.

IE= as in, In Example.

So when we get a fully Carbon Marathon / Aleph One, we can let the good times roll :)
I think Apple should make some serious music equipment. Some new type of integrated hardware mixer/sequencer/etc. that would have Apple ease-of-use and industry-standard connections. I think the XServe direction could be great--Apple branching into doing basically ONLY industrial design, not focusing as much on Macs but focusing on developing consumer electronics that are really good...
No, not focus less on Macs, but focus less on the computer industry and more on the consumer electronics business... they could make a fortune doing what they did with the iPod. I mean, think about it! What if Apple bought Creative, the makers of the Nomad 3? They could do it; they could also buy out SonicBlue, makers of the RIO mp3 players... Apple could do what Intel attempted to do, but succeed where Intel failed. The thing is, Apple will continue making Macs, as that will be their main profit. But why not branch out a bit? There could be a lot to gain from such a move-- Apple could make hardware that would only work with Macs, thereby gaining an extra advantage AND keeping Macs in the front of their product line. With products like the iPod (which I don't think anyone who has owned one has ever complained about), it goes to show you that Apple's expertise in the computer field can be applied to other things. Apple used to design all sorts of random things: CD players, lamps, even pens, applying their technical knowledge and amazing designs to everyday objects. It's too bad some of that stuff wasn't kept up--I particularly enjoyed some of their more beautiful desk lamps. Get the book AppleDesign--It will tell you all you need to know about what Apple used to do. :)
See, now my thread is getting more active... all these cool ideas floating around... too bad most of them are mine :P Anyone out there? Come on, what do you think we should talk about? I could almost envision this as being "BlueFusion's Bar & Grill", where we just come to talk about random things... although there already IS a Bar & Grill, but...
Make a cafe. That's what we don't have.

A thread called "Ideas Cafe."

And, I was wondering, why are words like s*u*c*k*s and the f word in stars? :(
xoot, it was recently reinstated because I guess Admin got annoyed... btw, xoot, if you missed it, the cuss thread is GONE! :( so not only do we have no outlet, but we can't even use "s u c k s" which i think is really stupid. One of the things I always liked about this was that we were allowed to say what we wanted.. now it seems that that is being limited.

xaqintosh, we used to have "The Cuss Thread" which was basically like the B&G thread except with the F-word randomly interspersed. I for one thought it was hillarious, but I guess Admin finally gave up after it got to a couple hundred pages :) Search for "hello everybody, may I cus?" if you want to read it :)
Heh. And I was just about to make a thread called "A Really Funny Story With Cuss Words." :(

Admin, please bring back our free speech here...
LOL why do I feel like I'm praying to some violent god of storms or something? LOL ("Admin, give us our speech!" they cried, but the Systems God did not listen. "Please?" Bluefusion begged. "Alright, ******* **** ****** **** *** *** ******* ****! ***! *******!" cried the Admin, in a fit of rage. "Hooray for cursing!" roared The People.)
And the God of Systems shunned The People, calling, "Ye who curseth in my presence shall forever be damned to the Pit of the Cuss Thread which is no longer open! Ye shalt bounce backeth and forwardeth between the Holy Pages of MacOSX untilleth ye give up entering thine Cuss Thread! Thus I have spoken!"
Originally posted by xoot
Admin, please bring back our free speech here...
This has been covered in other threads. It's not about free speech. It's about behaving rationally in this environment. The cuss thread was shut down because Admin felt that it had outlived its usefulness and the language was leaking to other threads.