Congrats to Bluefusion!!!

Hehehe thanks ulrik and googol! Hadn't seen ya in here before now.. I guess you just got the news :)

Wow, so now I'm officially a MacOSX Elite or something :) Hard to get used to a four-digit post count :)
Originally posted by Bluefusion
Wow, so now I'm officially a MacOSX Elite or something :) Hard to get used to a four-digit post count :)

Yeah, someday I hope to be part of the MacOSX Elite...

:rolleyes: I wonder what the membership fees are like?

Anyway, congrats!

Actually, Herve has been making more sense than normal. Am I finally beginning to understand him, or is he just being more normal? :)

RacerX, you're a MacOSX Elite and ya don't even know it! *pshaw* I figure anyone over 1000 posts is in the MacOSX Elite (I guess)... and anyone over 2000 is... Super-Elite... yeah, that's it...
Yeah, there were a number of people who voted that they were Herve in a poll somewhere...

MOSX also has a lot of Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs clones...
Any "I am an insane poster, and i'm proud of it" T-shirts? Naaaaah.... :p

How about t-shirts that have your current avatar on them, and you get a choice to print your nick-name and post count on top (and all the stuff in the side column). :D

That's a great idea! (heads over to Blue's cafe...)
In the spirit of Hervé;

Also I have noticed that Herve is obtaining more and easier to understand. Particularly " example in the thread of music of Copyrighted ", more I have had indovinare that what its observations cryptic were. It is ill Herve?
LØL xøøt, thåts ånøthér méånîngléss pøst :P
Måybé yøü shøüld püt "méånîngléss pøst éxprt" øn yøür résúmé
Woot. Haxxor speek.

Oh yeah, man, this hyar is th' stuff. Yo' knows whut ah's sayin'? Purdy soon ev'rythin' will be so frickin groovy thet ah won't be able t'stan' mahse'f...

Woops! Wrong setting!

Oh yeeh, mun, thees is zee stooffff. Yuoo knoo vhet I'm seyeeng? Pretty suun iferytheeng veell be-a su freeckin gruufy thet I vun't be-a eble-a tu stund myselff...

No no no!

oh ywah, man, this si teh stuff... Y0U KNMOW WHAT I'M SATNIG!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!? PR3TTY SON Ev3RTTHING WLI BR SO FRIXORIN GROPOVY THAT I WON TBE ABL TO ST4nD MYSELF,, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~ DONT RIPE ME 0FF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ LOLOLOLLO~~ lolololololololoo

Very true, Klink. You just never know.

On a side note, I read somewhere that more people worldwide (about 150 per year) die from being hit on the head with coconuts, and only about 3 people per year die from a shark attack. And yet there have been HUNDREDS of shark-attack movies and stories throughout history. Nothing bad about coconuts, though. Odd, huh?
Sounds good.

Today's my math final, and the real final final :) Last real day of any work in school this year yay!

Wish me luck!