Congrats to googolplex

You got that right :). Tabs really are great. I can't stand not having them in other browsers.

This is cool having a congrats thread for me. Not long ago I didn't have any posts at all!
so googolplex, what else is going on besides chimera? surely you must have another interest or 2.;)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
so googolplex, what else is going on besides chimera? surely you must have another interest or 2.;)

Googolplex has another interest or two BESIDES Chimera??!?

I have only one thing to say to that, Ed:


Hehe, sorry about the gplex. j/k :p No hard feelings. Congratulations on 1000 posts. :)

(P.S.: Ed, you crack me up.)
hey Simone, you keep me pretty entertained as well. i am also impressed. i would never have been able to keep typing all those H's and A's. that was some pretty tedious work you put in on that.:D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
hey Simone, you keep me pretty entertained as well. i am also impressed. i would never have been able to keep typing all those H's and A's. that was some pretty tedious work you put in on that.:D

Ever heard of Click-Hold-Drag-Release-Command-C-down arrow-Command-V-Command-V-Command-V-Command-V? In other words, that's copy-paste. :p
Yay gplex!

Now you tru3ly hA\/3 7h3 l337 p0s71nG $ki11S!!!!!!!11

Maybe 1000 posts will make you grammar-criticism-proof....

nah. :D

-the valrus
Beats writing it out by hand (a la pencil and paper (though I know some people on this board might be wondering why someone would ever do that ;) )).

Especially when you're copying and pasting long sentences like The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy frogs twice in a row. ;)
Whoa, I just noticed that my congrats thread has exploded. Thanks!

Valrus, grammar-man, I will try my best to say 'you're'.

Ed, I have many other interests besides chimera. Music, hockey, writing, and tons of other stuff.