mac shaman
i truly empathize with you my friend. You really find out who your real friends are when you move. You find out what someone's word is worth. and i know that physical pain all too well. it is the reason so much stays in boxes that you expected to unpack the next day
as for the compulsion of Christianity, it wasn't really that clear cut. The norse probably would have won an outright battle like they had every time before. But like i said, the leaders let a shaman type make the decision and from then on it was more a matter of enforcing their own decision than of bowing to the conquering heroes. not that you were wrong about christianity having been forced upon lots of other cultures. but the norse were a very different story and so very unique in history.
and Kris you are very right about the new being built upon the old, with the new being built by believers in the old, so there are lots of pagan symbols in those old places of worship. many have since been 'adopted' by the church. others disguised or interpreted to fit modern theology. but then, it was ok to worship both as long as you worshiped Jesus as the head God so to speak. and the connecting with the rest of Europe, not really sure if that was a good or bad thing when we look back on it from this point.

as for the compulsion of Christianity, it wasn't really that clear cut. The norse probably would have won an outright battle like they had every time before. But like i said, the leaders let a shaman type make the decision and from then on it was more a matter of enforcing their own decision than of bowing to the conquering heroes. not that you were wrong about christianity having been forced upon lots of other cultures. but the norse were a very different story and so very unique in history.
and Kris you are very right about the new being built upon the old, with the new being built by believers in the old, so there are lots of pagan symbols in those old places of worship. many have since been 'adopted' by the church. others disguised or interpreted to fit modern theology. but then, it was ok to worship both as long as you worshiped Jesus as the head God so to speak. and the connecting with the rest of Europe, not really sure if that was a good or bad thing when we look back on it from this point.