Congrats to nkuvu!


OK, i admit, when i posted this thread, the tortoise was only at 997, but i have to go to bed, and i won t be here tomorrow.

OK, really i just wanted to be the first to congratulate nkuvu on getting 1000. i know, i jumped the gun! deal.

nkuvu helps make this place useful, with lots of helpful posts, and makes this place fun, with lots of clever quips and keeps this place lively with an astonishing 17.45 posts per day! imagine, reaching 1000 posts in less than 2 months!

thanks for making this place what it is, nkuvu. wouldn t be the same without you!
Yeah, nkuvu, you've been here for a short time, but long enough to get some respect. I admire you and your skills, congrats on the 1000 posts.
OK, i m feeling a little guilty. i know we all wanted to be the first to give nkuvu this much deserved thread. i cheated.

i was just so sure that tortoise was going to reach 1000 tonight, i got so excited, and then it just got really late, with no more posts. i think i ve recently started to get heavily addicted to damn you and your friendly, but helpful community!

nkuvu, hurry up and get in here and give us a few more posts, so i can go to bed! ahhhh! :-)

congrats again on your furious 1000.
Hahahaha, I'm sorry. :D

I noticed last night that I had 997 posts. But the last time I looked before heading off to bed myself, there wasn't anything that I particularly wanted to comment on. So I waited until this morning.

What better way to show that I am not concerned with post counts? I mean, I have seen others post one more quick (often useless) post to bring their count up to a nice round number, then say Yay However Many posts! I could have posted three more times, but like I said, there wasn't anything I had to say at the time. But rest assured, this is my 1000th post. So you can all stop waiting on me and go to bed already. ;) :D

Thank you for the congratulations, I appreciate it. But I have to beg to differ with the statement that "it wouldn't be the same without you" and the thanks for "making the place that it is". I have done no such thing. Admin deserves those thanks, not me. And I am sure that Admin would turn it around and thank all of the members. Which is accurate; given a website such as this, what would it be without its users? So thanks should go to everyone, not just me. Besides, if anyone recalls, I went on a "posting fast" to show xoot that I am not concerned with post counts. I posted twice in four days, and the threads didn't change at all. So there's proof that I am not responsible for making this place what it is.

What? Oh, sorry for the long post, I could have sworn I heard someone say "Speech!" ;)

Thank you.
Congrats for Nkuvu! In exactly 1 month you will pass me, if I don't post at all. I will eat all the chicken for you so you can eat their food.
I, personally, don't think this place would be the same without you (even if the boards would not actually change). I have read threads for no other reason than because I saw that you posted in them (okay :rolleyes:, not the really bad topic ones, but some of the others).

Anyway, at 1000 posts we can sure tell a lot about someone, and I'm glad we've gotten the chance to get to know you.
Originally posted by Hervé Hinnekens
Congrats for Nkuvu!
Thanks, Hervé!
I will eat all the chicken for you so you can eat their food.
Uh, does this mean that I have to scratch it off the ground? :)
Originally posted by RacerX
I have read threads for no other reason than because I saw that you posted in them
RacerX, I am surprised. You flatter me. Oh, wait, I think it might be more along the lines of "Oh, look, let's go see what silliness nkuvu is posting today." Am I right? ;)

And if I was arrogant, I might be inclined to say that I make really bad topic threads good. :D But I'm not, nor do I believe that at all...

Hey, i pretty much agree with Coach. You have been a great person to have around. You are fun to converse with and have a sense of respect for others. you make the effort to help those in need and to just talk about life. you are a well rounded site member as far as i can tell.

i also think that if anybody went back and checked, they would find you have been making interesting posts from the beginning, not just after you got to know everybody. anyone who would claim you are a post whore is just plain stupid.

of course i also enjoy the fact that you are one of the few who lives in a time zone close enough to mine to keep similar hours as me. it is nice when you are around late at night to talk with.:)
Has anybody else noticed that this is the 1000th thread in the Herve's bar & Grill forum?

Anyway, congrats Nkuvu.:D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
Hey, i pretty much agree with Coach. You have been a great person to have around. You are fun to converse with and have a sense of respect for others. you make the effort to help those in need and to just talk about life. you are a well rounded site member as far as i can tell.
Of course. Is there any other way to post? ;)
if (RacerX == Coach)
    print "Ahh...";
    print "Who?";
Sorry, been programming a bit today (surprise! (I'm a software devloper by trade, so this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone)) and got a little confused.
i also think that if anybody went back and checked, they would find you have been making interesting posts from the beginning, not just after you got to know everybody. anyone who would claim you are a post whore is just plain stupid.
Thanks -- strangely enough I agree with that also. :D
of course i also enjoy the fact that you are one of the few who lives in a time zone close enough to mine to keep similar hours as me. it is nice when you are around late at night to talk with.:)
Ahh, currently we're on the exact same time zone. Arizona doesn't play that "Daylight Savings Time" garbage, doncha know. Which means that no one outside of Arizona can ever remember what time it is here. :)

Thanks for the congrats, wdw_. Do I get bonus points for having the 1000th thread in the B&G be my congrats thread?

Arg. I feel the strange need to respond to everyone who posts in my congrats thread...
Well, now that you've hit 1000, you can without worrying about people accusing you of trying to bloat your post count. Of course we all know you don't do that anyway. :D

Anyway, congrats, worthwhile posts, great person, blah blah blah. I said it already over at Herve's, and I'm sure you're getting embarrassed by now. ;)

-the valrus
congrats nkuvu...

now, i tell you... i've been here for like, a long time and i've just passed 1000... you've been here for like 8 weeks and are gettin ready to pass me!

is that all you wonder tortoises do?!?! chat?!!?!!


again... congrats... and here's to another 1000!

(let's just hope it doesn't happen in the next 8 weeks or you will soon obliterate Admiral's record :))

You really are a great poster around here. Being a recent 1000 post person myself I know how many posts it is :). Congrats! I love reading your post you are informative, fun and nice.

Keep going! :)
Well, no, that's not all that Wonder Tortoises do.

But it's been slow at work, and when I do have something lined up it's testing. For what I am doing, the test runs anywhere from 15-45 minutes. During that time I really can't do much with my computer except surf (or post). So technically I get a lot of free time at work...
Heh, I thought that one would be sooo easy, too.

No one has asked me any questions on it at all. Think I should remind them of the rules? ;)
We have had enough congrats threads that I think I can now provide an Anatomy of a Good Congrats Thread.

I was lucky enough to have Ed's help with my congrats thread (which he likes to remind me that I have almost killed from time to time).


  • congrat.jpg
    38.2 KB · Views: 22
Well, there's no thumbs up on this thread, but now there's an attachment. The five pages requirement seems a little vague to me -- I have it set to display 20 posts per page, so it might take a while...

And I already got a response from Hervé, so I'm safe there...

but you forgot another important criteria - views must be 5-6 times greater than number of replies. people must be lurking, just waiting for your next topic so maybe they will know what to say. ;)


all a successful congrats thread really needs is someone to nurture it and make sure it doesn't slide out of sight.:cool:

speaking of which, i will resurrect all the classic congrats threads when i get more time next week:rolleyes: