connect iMac to iBook


can someone tell me how to...

I have iMac and I want to connect to my iBook (printer sharing, file sharing, etc.).
I want to use a LAN cable.
I'm on OsX jaguar.
How can I do it?
Do I need Osx server?
You don't need OSX Server.

If you want to connect the two directly using the ethernet port you may need a special kind of ethernet cable, called something like a 'twisted pair' or 'crossover' cable. This will allow you to connect two computers directly.

Apple has a good article on this here

I would read this (and any linked articles) and then come back with any further questions that you have.

It is very easy - I wouldn't worry too much about it. You will be able to do it.

Printer sharing can be turned on in the Sharing Pref panel. I think this only needs to be turned on the machine that is actually connected to the printer. there's other sharing choices there. Experiment, until you get things working.(Getting sharing working the way you want can be frustrating) If both system are runnng Jaguar, should get going pretty easily