Connecting 2 macs


This is my first time doing this, but can I connect share files with a g4 using osx 10.3.6 and a g3 laptop os 9.2?

I gotthe ethernet cables connected between the two, turned on apple talk, followed the help suggestions. Sharing is active but still no luck in the Network browser, its blank. Are the two OS's not compatible or am I doing something wrong?
AppleTalk might be disabled on the OS X machine. To check it, open "Directory Access" in the Utilities folder, and check to make sure that "AppleTalk" is selected in the "Services" pane.

Also, double-check that "Personal File Sharing" is checked in the "Sharing" pane of the System Preferences on the OS X machine.

Are you trying to connect from the OS 9 machine to the OS X machine, or vice-versa? If OS 9 to OS X, then turning on AppleTalk in Directory Access should do the trick. Otherwise, on the OS 9 machine, click "Server address" in the Chooser and enter the IP address of the OS X machine.