Connecting a pc to Apple Airport Express


Hey I need some help, We have an Airport Express and no problems connecting the mac to the network. We also have a LG Laptop and even though it says it has connected to the airport it will not let us access the internet? Any help would be appreciated! All the software has been installed on the laptop but still not working?


Can your LG laptop connect to other wireless networks with no problems?
What IP address are you getting from the Airport Express on your LG?
Any luck with repairing your network connection in Windows?

I can't think of any reason you would need to install any software on your LG - you just connect... Any Airport software would be needed if you want to use the LG to change the configuration of the Airport Express - not really needed when you have a Mac that already has the needed Airport Utility.
On the PC click on the Start button. In the pop-up in the Search button (or Run in XP) and type cmd in the search bar. Then launch the command line window. Once you can open that command line window, type the command:
ipconfig /all

This will print out (on the screen) the TCP/IP your PC is getting. So is it getting an IP or DNS?