connecting to 802.11g network without airport


Ok, first things first...i bought this 3 in 1 motorola package of a wireless router, a notebeck wireless card and desktop PCI card, think that it would be a given that macs and motorola stuff would be compatible, or that i could at least go and download a mac driver for the pci card.

I set up the wireless router and the pc notebook just fine. I popped in the pci card into an open slot in the mac, and i get nothing. the mac just can see the card at all.

So after doing some searching, I saw that some users actually had gotten this card working on a mac (even beige g3s), but i cant find any direct instructions on how.

It's an LPCI810 PCI adapter. I installed the latest airport software thinking that would help, but i still get nothing, the card doesnt even show up in system profiler.

anyone have any info on this?

oh yeha, i also tried teh orangeware and IOXperts drivers too, and they didnt help either, still cant see the card.
Are you on panther? Not sure, but I think I read that the support for third party wifi cards or adapters was improved in panther.
The LPCI810 appears to only be a PC card, in my experience there is a difference between the PCI slots in PCs and Macs and cards are not interchangeable between platforms. This is certainly true of PCI SCSI cards.
yes, i am on panther.

th LPCI810 card doesnt actually take up the intire PCI slot on the ends at the second notch, leaving empty space in the slot after the second notch. I thought that was wierd, but since I had read somewhere that people had actually gotten it to work I figured this was ok.
There is no physical difference between PCI ports on a Windows PC and a Macintosh computer -- they're identical. Some PCI cards are full-length and utilize all the sockets of the PCI slot, while others are "half-length" and don't utilize that last, small socket.

The problem is one of two things: lack of drivers in the operating system, or incompatible firmware on the card itself. Like video cards, each PCI card must either have Macintosh-specific firmware, or have firmware that is compatible with Mac OS X.

Can you post a link to where you heard those people that got it working?