Connectivity problems with iMovie & video cam


Hi all, I am a brand spanking new member here so greetings one and all.

I have a couple of problems:

My first problem is, I have a Sony DCR-P1000 miniDV camera, I want to output a movie I have made onto it from iMovie. I have connected the camera correctly and have it in the correct mode but the problem I am having is as soon as I select export to camera the camera goes into to record pause mode and then imovie tells me the connection has been lost, does anyone know why this is?? I really hope it is not a big issue as I have just got back from holiday and shot a whole bunch of video and I want to be able to edit t and off load back to DV.

The second problem is:

I have shot all of my holiday video in widescreen, when I unload it into iMovie it shows up all squashed down, is there a way of seeing it in widescreen and exporting it to iDVD to make a widescreen DVD?

I really hope there are some people out there that can help me out

Thanks in advance

So not a single person on here can help me? Shocking!! Does no-one know what the deal is with iMovie and widescreen video?
I think I have solved the problem, I need to buy iLife06 so I can use iMovie HD. Does iDVD in that package produce widescreen DVDs?
Hello Satcomer,

Yes you can create a widescreen DVD's with iDVD 06. When you create a new project just select 16:9 widescreen format.