I frequently boot on my OS 9 partition to do maintenance on my OS X partition.
I use the most recent version of Norton Utilities for OS 9.
Almost everytime I run Disk Doctor I get this Major Catalog Errors :
A major error was found in a file record in the Catalog B-tree.
Node 12797, record 7
"lisa.4274140" has an incorrect data logical length.
The problem was fixed.
A major error was found in a file record in the Catalog B-tree.
Node 12797, record 8
"nic.4274140" has an incorrect data logical length.
The problem was fixed.
Repairing this problem makes a big difference in the system's speed; I usually know the problem is back when I get the spinning beach ball and the processor power is 100% taken by a user process (I don't know which one because I never was able to open the process viewer since the computer is 100% taken...).
While this error is easily repaired by Norton, I would much preffer to prevent it so I don't have to repair my disk so often !
nic and lisa are the 2 most used users. There is third user used to give smb, ftp, etc... access to my friends without having to give them my password. I dont think I've ever had this problem with this third user.
Anyone knows or has an idea of what is causing this error ?
How can I prevent it ?
Thanks to all
I frequently boot on my OS 9 partition to do maintenance on my OS X partition.
I use the most recent version of Norton Utilities for OS 9.
Almost everytime I run Disk Doctor I get this Major Catalog Errors :
A major error was found in a file record in the Catalog B-tree.
Node 12797, record 7
"lisa.4274140" has an incorrect data logical length.
The problem was fixed.
A major error was found in a file record in the Catalog B-tree.
Node 12797, record 8
"nic.4274140" has an incorrect data logical length.
The problem was fixed.
Repairing this problem makes a big difference in the system's speed; I usually know the problem is back when I get the spinning beach ball and the processor power is 100% taken by a user process (I don't know which one because I never was able to open the process viewer since the computer is 100% taken...).
While this error is easily repaired by Norton, I would much preffer to prevent it so I don't have to repair my disk so often !
nic and lisa are the 2 most used users. There is third user used to give smb, ftp, etc... access to my friends without having to give them my password. I dont think I've ever had this problem with this third user.
Anyone knows or has an idea of what is causing this error ?
How can I prevent it ?
Thanks to all