Control + Eject = Shutdown Menu


Translator, Web Developer
I'm sure someone else noticed this too, and probably posted, but I just discovered that CONTROL + EJECT brings up the old familiar shutdown menu...

Not terribly useful since I never shut down but still...
sweetness dude! anyone else have stuff like that. I personally hate pulling down the apple menu to shut down so THANKS
Okay, now how about volume up and volume down buttons for those of us without the "newer" keyboards? (Getting greedy, now)
You know, it's weird how Apple, through the years, STILL can't decide.... "Do we have people press a power button on the computer CPU, or the keyboard?" This goes all the way back to the original Mac, on which you flipped a switch on the back of it..... then, they started putting power buttons on the keyboard (Mac Classic Color, etc).... then they moved it to the FRONT of the CPU (like the Quadra series)... then they let you start it from the keyboard again (like my 6400)... then, they take the power button off the keyboard, and make you touch the CPU again (new towers, new iMac)...... MAKE UP YOUR MIND, APPLE!


isnt there away to configure OS X so u can start form the keboard???

I know u can chage the power botton on the montor (how i start up now) to power the monter alone { you would want to do that WHY!! }

But isnt there away to make the keboard your 'start up botton'
Originally posted by Browni

isnt there away to configure OS X so u can start form the keboard???
Nope. Whether you can start from the keyboard or from the CPU is a function of the hardware, not the software. For example, if the computer is OFF, how can OS X know you're doing anything and start itself ;)
BTW that assums that you have a computer without a keyboard power button (i.e., iMac TFT or any of the Snow HID set)...