Hey guys, I just got my macbook and installed XP by boot camp. It runs pretty smooth but I tried to put a file over 4gb on to it and refused to take it. Is there a way to convert fat32 to NTFS without deleting any of my information?
If I have to delete the information, is there a way to back up my programs and reinstall them without needing the CD? I am currently deployed to England and didnt bring the disc for the programs. I see a file under bootcamp> program files > the programs I want. Could I just copy those and drop them back into xp? I know with mac all you have to do is go to applications and drag the app off and thats all there is to it.
If I have to delete the information, is there a way to back up my programs and reinstall them without needing the CD? I am currently deployed to England and didnt bring the disc for the programs. I see a file under bootcamp> program files > the programs I want. Could I just copy those and drop them back into xp? I know with mac all you have to do is go to applications and drag the app off and thats all there is to it.